George Rebane
As most RR readers know, the Rebanes have been in local leftwing crosshairs for some years now. Jo Ann’s prominence in Republican circles - Nevada County Republican Central Committee, President of Nevada County Republican Women Federated, ... - and her long hitch on the Union’s editorial board have reserved for her a regular ration of opprobrium from our Left. In today’s (29dec22) Union she garner’s the paper’s Hits & Misses column headline – ‘Miss to Rebane’s comment on immigrants’. Thereunder reader Richard Howell writes, “To Mrs. Rebane’s comment (12/23) ‘… five million illegals and hundreds of thousands of known got-a-ways(sic) invade our country?’ Actually, 5+ million were intercepted trying to cross illegally into the U.S. Perhaps next week she can write a ‘Hit’ comment for our border patrol under President Biden.”
Can’t rightly tell whether the man is terminally bamboozled by the lamestream’s misreporting our border crisis, and thinks that the 5+ million were denied entry, or that when illegals are intercepted by the border patrol on our side, they then have broken no laws and it’s OK for them to be turned loose and stay here. And wanting a hit for Biden is beyond ludicrous – the president who has created the most porous border in the country’s history, and is personally responsible for tens of thousands of migrant and America’s drug overdose deaths that continue to mount daily.
Also right below was the following letter from a George Roberts to the editor labeled ‘Misguided immigrant comments’.
I just finished reading Joanne Rebaine’s (sic) hits and misses holiday rant (12/24) about the asylum seekers. She must have special glasses to have spotted specific “sex traffickers, fentanyl dealers and terrorists.” Sort of like Trump’s “rapists and murderers.” I don’t have those special holiday glasses. All I saw were some poor, cold, hungry, scared but hopeful human beings. I think the Christian bible would call them the most vulnerable and precious of god’s children. “Feliz Navidad” to Ms. Rebaine.(sic)
It is clear that Mr Roberts belongs to the country's tens of millions of news nebbishes who don’t have a clue about what’s really going on at our southern border and its follow-on impact across the entire land. The lamestream media has so effectively papered over the ongoing tragedy that it’s coverage and communication to a large population, one with purportedly free speech rights, will be studied for years by anthropologists, sociologists, and political scientists as one of history’s most effective campaigns of large scale propagandized fake news. The Third Reich’s Göbbels and the entire Soviet ‘truth’ nomenklatura were not able to convince even a smidgen of their populations to their versions of ‘truth’ (Pravda).
The dimensions of Roberts’ ignorance are immeasurable. He hasn’t an inkling that the overwhelming share of illegal aliens from all over the world come not as asylum seekers, but only economic opportunists (including criminal) who take advantage of Biden’s abandonment of America’s national security.
But dear reader, we must remember that the final and perhaps greatest tragedy and threat to our republic is that the country is swarming with mind-mangled people like Richard Howell and George Roberts.
Actually, 5+ million were intercepted trying to cross illegally into the U.S. Perhaps next week she can write a ‘Hit’ comment for our border patrol under President Biden.” Dick Howell
It’s called catch and release.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 29 December 2022 at 07:36 PM
A virtue signaler telling too much truth for the wkesters, they really think polar bears have homes! LOL-
The article also revealed that Blumenthal’s motivation for purchasing a Tesla in the was primarily motivated by politics."
"The car was impractical, but it had sentimental value. My environmental activist friends were not impressed by my assiduous urban composting, LED bulb installations and energy-saving appliances. I needed to do more to diminish my carbon footprint. The icebergs were melting, my friends said, and at least one polar bear was wandering around homeless and hungry because of me," he wrote.
Posted by: Don Bessee | 29 December 2022 at 09:26 PM
Not about unprecedented floods of illegals or the Howling Dick and George, but if the shoe fits…..
The New-Normaling of Blackouts
“It already seems as if people are being conditioned to expect talk of rolling blackouts whenever the weather outside seems frightful.
To be very clear: rolling blackouts are not now, nor have they been, normal in the US. Therefore, having to expect rolling blackouts going forward would be abnormal.”
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 30 December 2022 at 12:17 AM
re: rolling blackouts.
My guess is that blackouts are not just a matter of aging infrastructure or 'green' legislation but also a natural side effect of attempting to make things more 'efficient'.
When you save money by have a cleverly run interconnect that runs at near-capacity all of the time, cascading failures are in your future. Reliability is expensive.
Posted by: scenes | 30 December 2022 at 08:26 AM
Morning scenes and all.
The link (12:17 am) was more about a peek into the progressive mind than rolling blackouts. If one substitutes blackouts for the Southern Border, one can see the working of Dick and Roberts. Minimize the crisis to nothing and exaggerate the non-existent good Biden is doing. In the end, it is gaslighting after going through the process steps outlined.
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 30 December 2022 at 08:53 AM
The seven steps:
“Following is an outline of the new-normalling process, in general:”
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 30 December 2022 at 08:58 AM
re: BillT@8:53AM
I can see that now, I spoke too soon.
Yes I can see the hand of MSM and .gov at work in telegraphing emergencies/problems and using them for other purposes. The tools are in hand, via the internet, to testdrive PR campaigns and build much more efficient tools for mass manipulation.
I'd say it's more people-in-power (whoever that is currently) than progressives, anyone will do it given the ability. Whether it's Trumphate, hand wringing about the evils of white people, 24/7/52 always been at war with Eurasia propaganda, or the elevation to a state religion of Drag Queen Story Hour, a smaller hivemind is driving the herd in an organized manner.
Any human programming done on the behest of blackouts is simply another chapter in pushing the morality of scarcity. Of course, dissolving national borders doesn't help that a bit, but any country-wide sense of self interest is long gone to be replaced by tribalism, and the tribes that drive the car aren't affected by the accidents.
Posted by: scenes | 30 December 2022 at 09:16 AM
Big Brother, Big Tech: Feds use Facebook to study COVID vaccine, testing, and mask messaging
Posted by: Bill Tozer | 30 December 2022 at 04:30 PM
So make a factual observation about El Paso being swamped by illegals and you get fired for wrongthink -
Posted by: Don Bessee | 30 December 2022 at 05:20 PM
The Crack-Up
How individual and civilisational identities collapse
Posted by: RT | 02 February 2023 at 09:36 AM
RT 936am
From heavy drinking it would appear. Both Fitzgerald and Hemingway were major drunks.
Posted by: Humphrey Ploughjogger | 02 February 2023 at 11:52 AM