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20 June 2023



Fresh litter!

I'd still like an answer from Crabbman.

I was at a children's theater performance where a parent and grandparents were faced with a child (age 11) trying on a brand spanking new gender identity, with no warning... gone are the days where such things were shared beforehand.


Fair warning to everyone on the strategy book. It's largely about strategists, not strategy.

The real deal is cheap and readily available. For one thing, I'd say that Alfred Mahan probably has more to do with the modern world than any other single writer besides Marx.

re: Transkids.

I wonder sometimes, given the easy comparisons to be made between 'Woke' and religions, if the transkids represent something really special in the Progressive Cosmology. Something between an angel and a crazy holy man. Mock them or try to save them at your peril as the avenging mob is easily ginned up.

re: an interesting one to check out while watching the Decline of the West in Action. The civil war within the Methodist Church as the old school folks and the newfangled not-really-all-that-interested-in-Jesus factions stake out their turf.

I hadn't thought about it for a while, and then ran into this.

Naturally, all the details of these fights are exhausting to think about. Primates can dream up some pretty complicated belief systems.

Don Bessee

There is actually a price in the real world -




Posted by: scenes | 20 June 2023 at 12:49 PM

re: an interesting one to check out while watching the Decline of the West in Action. The civil war within the Methodist Church as the old school folks and the newfangled not-really-all-that-interested-in-Jesus factions stake out their turf.

I hadn't thought about it for a while, and then ran into this.

The Summer of Floyd seems to have broken the protestant religious. Not that I care who they welcome into the congegration. Watch for the new lesbian pastor to seal the deal!

Don Bessee

Hangin with the epstien bro is creepy grampa joe -

Biden attends Silicon Valley fundraiser hosted by billionaire who traveled to Jeffrey Epstein's island



The Estonian Fox

Should Biden choose Fetterman for 2024?
Or should he pick Al Gore?

Solve that quick,
Pick the two who are anencephalic!

Special thanks to Sam Clemens for the thought.


I'd still like an answer from Crabbman.

Crabby... put yourself in the shoes of the parents and grandparents of a child on stage in a gender that they were not born to. The folks who love the child didn't have a clue it was coming, but the theater folk running the program DID.

Now, I know you've never been involved in a child's life as a parent or a grandparent... but just what was that 'toon trying to state?


scenes re 'transkids'

It is intended as a destabilisation of family. More of the same as Traditional and Critical Theory, Horkheimer 1937, the document that sent the Frankfurt School down the Critical path.

Children belong with and to their parents. Not to the federal, state or local governments.


re: 'It is intended as a destabilisation of family.'

Making children view The State or any social movement as family is a tricky business. Making an omelette requires a certain amount of damage to eggs after all.

There's probably a book in that somewhere, whether it's the way that the Spartans or Zulus operated, selling off slave children, forced boarding schools for Native Americans, or simply a high degree of propaganda stuffed down a kid's maw ala Pavlik Morozov.

This modern variant seems rather new to me in that it is taking advantage of wide-spread mental illness (anxiety, etc.) among youth. Why? No doubt there's a bit of cyclical madness going on, but it's hard to avoid the internet, particularly the portable variety, as a prime mover. Given you are starting with an unusually fragile generation, pushing them off the cliff seems easy enough.

I can't blame the 'Progressives' for taking advantage of the situation, but then I can't blame The Devil for occasionally using good lookin' wimmen.

Scott O

Newsweek is trying to be honest:
"By pleading guilty, Hunter Biden robbed the narratives around his crimes of additional oxygen, helping hurry the story into obscurity."

Into obscurity...

Ah, yes - let's push history into obscurity. That's the way we do it.
The funniest part of this is watching all the lefty black "leaders" swallowing another case of a wealthy white boy getting a slap on the wrist for what black men go to prison for. Where are the brave civil rights leaders, now?
So, it has turned out much as I predicted. A back room deal with greatly watered-down charges and plea-bargained penalties amounting to nothing and announced at just the correct time.
The House Rs don't manage to stumble onto the money trail from overseas to the US.
Look - any half witted DA could have nailed Hunter's ass years ago just on the gun charge. He was never going to jail nor will any other Dem, save a possible predetermined scapegoat. Biden just might end up having to pardon his son.


"Should Biden choose Fetterman for 2024?
Or should he pick Al Gore?"

My mental image is Jerry Nadler riding around on Fetterman's shoulders.



"It’s past time for schools to quit being baby-sitters and substitutes for under-performing parents, and direct that energy to students who want to learn. Opposing passage of SB 274 would be one place to start."

Bored Georgeman in today's The Union.

What about schools quitting being baby sitters for failed instructors and lying administrators? I've had experience with both right here in River City.

Don Bessee

Criminal coddlers they be -

As opioids kill more Californians than guns, liberal Democrats block solutions



Don Bessee

Wimps not warriors -




It's the Gump brothers.....Forrest and...um ....Forrest.


Paul Emery

Scott writes "Biden just might end up having to pardon his son"

You mean just like Trump pardoned Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Scooter Libby and dozens of others? He has also promised to pardon possibly hundreds of Jan 6 rioters including Proud boys etc if re-elected. I don't recall Scott, Bessee, fishhole or Gregory complaining about that. Correct me if I'm wrong showing that any of you opposed any of Trumps pardons. Trump granted 237 acts of clemency during his four years in the White House, including 143 pardons and 94 commutations.



punchy 1154a

"Obama holds the record for the largest single-day use of the clemency power, granting 330 commutations on January 19, 2017, his last full day in office.[6][7] He also issued more commutations than the past 13 presidents combined.[2][8]"

The more pardons for Jan 6 the merrier.

Paul Emery

Gregory writes:

"The more pardons for Jan 6 the merrier."

So Gregory you would have no problem if a group of people smashed down the doors and windows and overwhelmed police and security while breaking into your house, also being followed by hundreds of followers who would then loot your personal offices stealing personal records and information. That's exactly what happened on Jan 6 and you believe they should be pardoned,


How many Facist Antifa rioters were not even charged in the Summer of 2020? Punch? Folks starting fires in Federal buildings under the cover of RIOTS.

VP Harris was even bailing them out so they could get back into the fight.


Posted by: psul Emery | 21 June 2023 at 11:54 AM

I don't recall Scott, Bessee, fishhole or Gregory complaining about that.

You used to complain about lying politicians.....worst thing ever if I recall correctly! George what about....but George what about....and George did you hear about....and who could forget the plaintive wail....So (insert name here) you think it's (insert psul Emery outrage of the day here) okay.....!

How's that been going recently..... still plenty to work with?


Posted by: Gregory | 21 June 2023 at 12:52 PM

VP Harris was even bailing them out so they could get back into the fight.

But that's different because ....SHUT UP!

Don Bessee

The groomers at disney have destroyed pixar with the woke formula -

Pixar's 'Elemental' Falls Flat in Box Office: Opens to Record-Worst $29.6M



Don Bessee

Gee what could go wrong? -

OceanGate CEO explains why he didn't want to hire '50-year-old White guys' to pilot subs
OceanGate Expeditions CEO Stockton Rush said ex-military submariners weren't 'inspirational'

OceanGate Expeditions CEO Stockton Rush, who is aboard the missing submersible, once explained why he preferred not to hire "50-year-old White guys" with military experience to pilot his company's vessels.



Paul Emery


What does you're 12:52 have to do with your desire to support pardons for the invaders of the US Capital on Jan 6? That's a very clumsy diversion by changing the topic. Once again can you confirm that you are a supporter of pardons to the hundreds of rioters who invaded the US Capital on Jan 6 2021.

Your quote:

"The more pardons for Jan 6 the merrier."


Posted by: psul Emery | 21 June 2023 at 01:21 PM

"The more pardons for Jan 6 the merrier."

Don't you think they should at least pardon all the FBI infiltrators/instigators psul?


So, Punchy approves of violent rioters who were trying to burn down Federal buildings not even getting arraigned. Figures.

So now the American citizens demonstrating on Jan 6 are "invaders". Really, Paul? Of the ~1000, how many were armed, and how many can be assumed to be the owners of at least one gun? Why do you think so few gun owners would show up for an invasion armed?

BTW I do not approve of the murderer of Airman Babbitt getting the same treatment. Nor do I think that any of the rioters should have preferentual treatment... but if the hard Left are not getting charged at all, the Right shouldn't, either.

Paul Emery


Do you have specific names of the FBI infiltrators/instigators you refer to in your 1:33?


"Parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building"

Wow, that seems to be the most common charge that's been sticking. Why not pardon those if the Vice President was involved in springing from jail folks that were setting fires and trying to hurt people?


"Parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building"

Huh. I didn't even know that was a thing.

Did they ever charge those folks who made a big ol' fuss in the Supreme Court? Is that not a 'capitol building' maybe?


maybe compare sentencing for the people actually arrested?





It's pretty hard to argue that the deck isn't stacked and it might behoove Team Red (ie. the not-insane people) to rethink their strategies.

What seems the most funny to me is how conservatives actually thought the national cops were on their side all these years. Instead we get the 17 intelligence agencies lying their asses off about collusion. One of the truly great things in life is to be proven utterly wrong.


Posted by: psul Emery | 21 June 2023 at 01:49 PM

Do you have specific names of the FBI infiltrators/instigators you refer to in your 1:33?

Crap....ate my first response!

Specific names....certainly not. Bureau wouldn't give specific names (they'll need those guys again later for more hijinks). Reference to bureau personnel and contractors being present in the crowd was in the congressional session testimony regarding the events on the 6th. Easy enough for a man of you considerable skill to find online.



Bison Boi got a stiff sentence for being a walking joke.



I read that as 'punchholio', which isn't such a bad name.

"Bison Boi got a stiff sentence for being a walking joke. "

Wasn't that the case where the defense was never given access to the video footage of him being let in and shown around? That right there should be a shot across everyone's bow as to the way the world works.


Posted by: scenes | 21 June 2023 at 02:58 PM

Wasn't that the case where the defense was never given access to the video footage of him being let in and shown around? That right there should be a shot across everyone's bow as to the way the world works.

But names scenes....specific names...!

Whoda thunk Mr. Stalwart Man about Town, psul Emery would go so completely establishment in his dotage? Someone's going to catch him in white patent leather white shoes and belt....and leisure suit of course! Hair (such as it is) all slicked back or pushed to one side....all respectable like.....!

His friends won't recognize him!

Paul Emery


Easy enough for a person of your intelligence and education to provide a link to verify your contentions. If you don't provide that I will assume you're making it up.


Did "Bison Bol" illegally enter the Capitol building on Jan 6? Yes or no.

Don Bessee

As if he even reads them much less understand @338!



Sorry, PunchHole-E, you don't get to demand particular answers.

He was let in and led around by orificers. And as has been mentioned, video of it was withheld by the persecution. His lawyers had to wait for it to be shown on TV, after the schmuck had been cooling his heels in the hoosegow.

So, why do you hate the guy so much?


Posted by: psul Emery | 21 June 2023 at 03:38 PM

You can assume whatever you want psul.


"Did "Bison Bol" illegally enter the Capitol building on Jan 6? Yes or no."

I admit that it doesn't really look like it, but then the truth is that those folks can always arrest you any time they like.


Scott O

Paul - "That's a very clumsy diversion by changing the topic."

Absolutely hilarious. Paul is so dim witted he accuses others of the exact thing that he had done when he responded to my post about Biden possibly having to pardon his son.

I was talking about the Bidens and the ongoing investigation of the money trail from the Ukraine to shell corps in the US.
Does Paul want to discuss that?

Nah - as usual - Trump, Trump, Trump....

Don Bessee

Thank God someone in leadership is acknowledging the truth -

"Based on my travels and conversations with Airmen of all ranks I have noticed a common concern regarding standards," Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass wrote in a memorandum to members Tuesday. "History shows that when standards erode, military capabilities and readiness decline."

The letter comes as all branches of the military have faced questions over the seemingly "woke" turn the country's armed forces have taken in recent years, with some critics arguing that prioritizing programs such as diversity, equity and inclusion over standards and training have left the country ill-equipped to win future conflicts.

The concern over falling behind rivals was apparently shared by Bass, who warned a decline in standards would leave it more difficult to "keep pace with the rapid expansion of the Chinese military, Russian aggression, and other emerging global challenges."

"In our profession, second best won't cut it," Bass said in the memorandum. "We must hold ourselves and others accountable. When any of us walk by or tolerate something below high standards, we damage our credibility."



Paul Emery


Can you provide me with a link showing "Bison Bol" being " let in and led around by orificers" as you contend? Where did you get that information?

Don Bessee

Wallowing in ignorance again is the ponytail of ignorance @532


Paul Emery

RE Scott 5:10

That has been investigated Scott and it has been shown to have no substance according to the Duram investigation and others. Not one indictment. It's all fake and phony stuff.

Scott O

Paul - you are confused, per usual. The Durham report found there was no substance to the phony Trump/Russian collusion story that you totally bought into. Further he found there was never any reason for there to be any investigation in the first place. It was a BS story cooked up by the Dems and carried forward by the corrupt FBI who knew it was phony and lied to the FISA judge to harass Trump needlessly.
There is a report by a paid FBI informant that the Biden family got 10 million from Ukraine and funneled the money back into the US through shell S-corps.
The FBI openly lied in public claiming that such a report did not exist and then tried to withhold the document from House scrutiny.
Of course there will be no indictment.
The Justice Dept is corrupt.
Corrupt DAs don't indict themselves.
The fake and phony stuff is the lie you banged on about for years. You are the idiot dupe and you won't admit it.
What a maroon!

Scott O

re Paul 5:32 - "Can you provide me with a link..."

You have stated you won't follow links, Paul.



re Paul 5:32 - "Can you provide me with a link..."

You have stated you won't follow links, Paul."

roflmao. I put up that very link at 3:55PM, naturally it's not even glanced at. It's like arguing with a mule.



"In short, it is the Office's
assessment that the FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support
the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia. Similarly, the FBI
Inspection Division Report says that the investigators "repeatedly ignore[ d] or explain[ed] away
evidence contrary to the theory the Trump campaign ... had conspired with Russia .... It
appeared that ... there was a pattern of assuming nefarious intent."

psul: "Not one indictment."

You know, that really got me thinking. Is everything legal, or even a smaller subset, anything that doesn't result in official charges, moral? This is the lesson the Right really needs to learn. What matters is winning, not being correct. Team Blue plays by the rules of victory uber alles and if you don't respond in kind, you are screwed.

Moderate Republicans are like the Mensheviks thinking they can negotiate with the Bolsheviks. In truth, it's simply another pathway to the camps.

Scott O

scenes - "Moderate Republicans are like the Mensheviks..."

Most are actually in on the deal. They make noises once in a while to keep up the facade. It's like the political cartoon I saw recently where the Dem airline pilot is arguing with the R co-pilot while the view out the front window is the rapidly approaching earth. The R co-pilot is insisting that he can do a better job because he will lower the airspeed of the craft on its present course.

Paul Emery

I always follow links if I request them scenes and they are not provided. Don't use that for an excuse for making things up that are not factual.

Don Bessee

A big one handed clap for the comic stylings of the great ponytail of ignorance @805 ROFLOL!



punchy 532p

Request Denied.
Have a nice day.


”I always follow links if I request them scenes and they are not provided.”

Are you lying now or were you lying before when you insisted that you were, “far too busy to follow every link that you guys post”?

Scott O

re Paul's demands for a link - First he says he won't look at it, then he'll claim it's not a credible source, then he'll claim the video is fake or doctored.
He's still denying the Trump/Russian collusion story is a fabrication of the Dems and the corrupt FBI.

Paul Emery

So Gregory is now officially a liar when it comes to "Bison Bol" being " let in and led around by orificers" as he contended. He has no substance to support his silly fantasy. He is for full pardons for the insurrectionists who invaded the Capitol to stop the election process and keep Trump in power. He surely is the biggest fake Libertarian on record and has no respect for the Constitution or the rule of law. What a phony.

Scott O

Paul - "So Gregory is now officially a liar..."

Well - glad it's official. Will there be a ceremony?

"He has no substance to support his silly fantasy."

Actually, there are official govt video recordings showing that Bison Guy was walking around peacefully with the Cap Police and that he even offered a "prayer" for them.
There is nothing showing him doing anything violent.
It's available online for all intelligent adults. Too bad that excludes Paul.


Well of course not.....

McCarthy warns House GOP now is not time to force vote impeaching Biden: ‘What majority do we want to be?’

Guessing Kevin is desperately hoping to be Chuck Schumers bitch.

Cereal Liar

Republican thought leaders MTG and LB calling each other little bitches on the house floor.

The Republican are now the party of George Santos.


Cereal Liar

Marco Rubio's Senate intelligence committee stated that,
"Trump campaign’s Russia contacts ‘grave’ threat"

But censure Schiff.


Cereal Liar

Durham is a complete loser who claims? he doesn't read the news, watch TV and has no idea about thing that Trump might have said.


re: Psul and Bison Boi.

You know how it goes.


psul: ""Did "Bison Bol" illegally enter the Capitol building on Jan 6? Yes or no.""

moi: provides link with exactly the footage everyone is talking about

psul: " Don't use that for an excuse for making things up that are not factual." (after I provided a link showing exactly that)

psul: "Can you provide me with a link showing "Bison Bol" being " let in and led around by orificers" as you contend? " (after I provided a link showing exactly that)

psul: "So Gregory is now officially a liar when it comes to "Bison Bol" being " let in and led around by orificers" as he contended." (after I provided a link showing exactly that)

roflmao. Mr. Emery truly is The Great Punchholio. All TP beware.

Scott O

Serial Liar 6:36 - Hilarious!!

"Marco Rubio's Senate intelligence committee stated that,
"Trump campaign’s Russia contacts ‘grave’ threat"

You moron - did you notice the date? Almost 3 years ago.
They were relying on info from what has now been proven to be a total lie.

Do try to keep up, old chum. Maybe cut back a bit on the Little Debbie feedbag?


Posted by: Cereal Liar | 22 June 2023 at 06:38 AM

Durham is a complete loser who claims? he doesn't read the news, watch TV and has no idea about thing that Trump might have said.

Again.....someone who weighs 500lbs has no business at all calling anyone else a loser.


Republican thought leaders MTG and LB calling each other little bitches on the house floor.

The Republican are now the party of George Santos.


Pretty much....if Santos had run as a progressive D none of his foibles and fabulism would be a problem......he would have just been a Democrat. Everyone would have just "understood" that.


"Parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building" isn't insurrection.

Looks like KVMR dropped Paul Emery just in time. Good move.

Anyone for pudding cups?


Some local color on fresh coverage from the House floor:

"On Wednesday, Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA) went through a list of collusion claims made by House Democrats, and Durham rejected all of them... Kiley refused Schiff’s request to yield and asked Durham if Schiff’s collusion claims were supported by the Mueller report, and the special counsel replied, “I don’t believe so.”"

Scott O

Gregory 10:16 - "...and the special counsel replied, “I don’t believe so.”"

Doesn't matter, Gregory - Serial Liar pointed out that Durham "...doesn't watch TV"!!!!

There MUST be something wrong with him!


On to The Union!

Today's column by Tom Jerkin... up top, he states "Monday, March 27, she was found dead in front of her tent covered by a sleeping bag in bushes in Brunswick Basin. She had been dead for several days".

A sad end to a homeless woman with a severe drinking problem. Sure led me to think the poor lady (dead at 55) was living in a tent, but at the end of the piece he wrote:

"Deputy Beauchamp examined Lisa Marie White’s motel room. “I located a letter on the bed that appeared to show remorse. I was unable to read the whole thing due to handwriting, but there was a part that stated ‘by the time you are reading this, I should be dead…’”

So, she had a tent and a motel room, and it may well have been a suicide.

Great writing there, Tom.

Paul Emery

Is breaking into the Capitol building by smashing windows and doors chanting "hang Pence" with the intention of disrupting the election process an insurrection Gregory?

Scott O

Paul 11:33 - No, it isn't Paul. There was some violence and destruction of public property. The vast majority of protestors on Jan 6th did none of that. The sentences handed out for petty misdemeanors are way over the top and much too severe.

Paul Emery


If a group broke into and entered your house, for example. by smashing locked doors would it then be ok for others to enter your house after the initial break in through those smashed doors?

Scott O

Paul 12:11 - "...would it then be ok for others to enter your house after the initial break in..."

Gee, Paul - did I claim it was OK?
Let's go back and read my 11:44....
Why - no, I didn't.
Is there maybe some one else near you who can read and comprehend English?

Paul Emery

Then can we agree that those who did so on Jan 6 at the Capitol were justly indicted and convicted ?

Paul Emery

Is it a "petty misdemeanor" to do so in your opinion?


" Then can we agree that those who did so on Jan 6 at the Capitol were justly indicted and convicted ?"


Could you give us a list of all the people, their crimes, their punishments, and the evidence?

Paul Emery


Here's the current list from the District of Columbia. You can link to the evidence for each case by going to case documents.


Paul Emery

Here's an example



"Bison Boi" was convicted and sentenced to over four years in a "plea deal".

The prosecutors withheld exculpatory information, including the video you haven't bothered viewing.


re: psul@1:37PM

lol. Did you read it? I'd fine him about $50 and send him home.

From the Chicago Sun Times (about the same guy):

"Springfield man on Senate floor during Capitol breach sentenced to 14 months"

Absolutely insane. Perfect example of lawfare. Thanks for the great example.

Speaking of which, is Matthew Coulter still in the hoosegow with the absurd bail amounts?

Just to be clear:

This is the world we live in now. Paul's World.


"The prosecutors withheld exculpatory information,"

Isn't that something? That's what happens when a Snake Cult takes over society.

Speaking of the Snake Cult, I did like this paragraph on a different matter:


" One of the things I’ve been thinking about is what puberty blockers do to children. This medication is called a “gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist” and it comes in the form of monthly injections or an implant. And because it simulates the activity of this hormone, it shuts down the activity of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is this almond-sized structure in your brain, it’s one of the most primal structures we have, and it controls all the other hormonal structures in your body—your sexual development, your emotions, your fight-or-flight response, everything. But it shouldn’t be described in such cold physiological terms because your hypothalamus is not just a hormone factory. It’s this system that allows you to stand in awe of the beauty of a sunset, or to hear the sounds of orchestral music and to stop whatever you’re doing and want to listen. And I always think that if someone were to ask me, Where is it that you would look for the divine spark in each individual? I would say that it would be somewhere “beneath the inner chamber,” which is the Greek derivation of the term hypothalamus. To shut down that system is to shut down what makes us human."

Paul Emery

Warning to readers:

Just be aware that Gregory is a fake Libertarian that supports Trumps desire to pardon most if not all of those convicted of crimes during the Jan 6 2021 insurrection at the Capitol. Libertarians are supposed to defend the Constitution which Gregory refuses to do when a mob attacked the Capitol with the intent to disrupt the election process of Biden as our legally elected President.


Sometimes the interwebz serves up some tasty phrases.


"The West is falling because people give too much credence to the opinions of losers, dorks, and degenerates.

Instead of laughing at them, you let them set national policy."

"That's what happens when 'diversity, inclusion, and equity' are put above competence and character."

"Seriously. Look at the people setting the rules and boundaries on everything.

Tyranny of the weakest."


"Tyranny of the weakest".

That's really good.

Paul Emery


If "Bison Boi" accepted a plea deal then he admitted guilt so whats there to complain about after the fact?


Posted by: psul Emery | 22 June 2023 at 02:26 PM

Libertarians are supposed to defend the Constitution which Gregory refuses to do when a mob attacked the Capitol with the intent to disrupt the election process of Biden as our legally elected President.

Warning to readers:

psul Emery is not qualified to comment on issues Libertarian as he is a progressive democrat and his claim of being a Green Libertarian™ is merely a ploy to cadge free drinks.


punchy 228p

Prosecution didn't give them all the information they had that showed the guy was innocent.

A bozo no-no for the prosecution.

punchy 226p

Really, punch? Really?
Miss working at KVMR much? Just why did they push you out the door?

If I see you in town, we will chat further. You may not enjoy it.


One of those things you run into. Planned Parenthood in Canada doing God's work with 9th graders.

"Planned Parenthood went to Lumsden High School (LHS) for a sexual health presentation “related to contraceptives, sexually transmitted infections, and consent,” according to an email allegedly sent to parents after the presentation."


here's the cards. The card for 'A' already appears to have been distributed to the local Democrats.


lol. Maybe we could get some sets printed up. Perfect for raffles at the Drag Queen Story Hour.

Groomer Nation really is a thing.

Paul Emery

I always enjoy our conversations Gregory. Looking forward to it.

Scott O

Paul 12:42 - "Then can we agree that those who did so on Jan 6 at the Capitol were justly indicted and convicted ?"

'Did so' what?

Paul 12:43 - "Is it a "petty misdemeanor" to do so in your opinion?"

What is "it"?

Did some one stick a squirrel brain inside Paul's cranium?

Scott O

Paul 2:28 - "...so whats there to complain about after the fact?"
I guess in your world, Paul - nothing.

Stalin would have loved Paul.


Warning to readers:

Paul Emery is on a steep mental decline, much like his hero, Joe Xiden. He last attended school circa 1960 when he earned a high school diploma. He spent a couple years on active duty in the USAF unloading caskets from transport aircraft returning from Viet Nam.

Since then he sings for his suppers.

He hates losing arguments and lashes out when he feels like he's lost a'gin. Which is most all the time.

Give him a pudding cup and call 911.

Paul Emery


Can you give us a review ow the time you spent serving our country in the Military? I was in the AF reserves for 6 years recieving an honorable discharge in 1974.


"ow the time I spent serving our country in the Military"

English. Do you speak it?

Also, it's receiving, not recieving.


scotto 251p

Stalin's Beria wouldn't have wasted any time on Paul. Just a bullet.

That's what useful idiots got after outliving their usefulness.

Paul Emery

Okay I'll repeat it just for you:


Can you give us a review of the time you spent serving our country in the Military? I was in the AF reserves for 6 years receiving an honorable discharge in 1974.

Scott O

Paul 4:13 - I'll repeat this just for you, Paul:
I asked you 2 questions at 2:44.
Why should Gregory answer your questions if you won't answer any one's questions?

And Gregory 3:54 - Yes, in the end Paul would be shot. But Stalin would have loved him in the meantime.


I could but i won't. Punch, you're being too much of an asswipe.

Aww, hell, ok. I spent two years working at a Naval Weapons Station attached to Camp Pendleton watching over AIM-54 missiles being tested after returning from cruises. That's the Phoenix missile that was carried by the F-14 for carrier defense.

It was a kick getting saluted by Marines on the way to work.

Now, fuck off.

Paul Emery

So you never served in the military Gregory. Just confirming that.


The military is famed for killing people and breaking things. Which of those did you do?

The work I did for the US Navy might have saved a carrier from being sunk in the first hour of WW3 had it happened.

Paul Emery


Of course you supported the invasion of Iraq, you're on record as doing that from previous posts, but you leave the killing and dying to others. Typical for you being a phony Libertarian and all that. You are certainly no supporter of Ron Paul who wrote "Why We Fight" opposing the War in Iraq and other military adventures during the Bush administration.


Posted by: psul Emery | 22 June 2023 at 06:04 PM

Second Warning ⚠️ to readers:

psul Emery is not qualified to comment on issues Libertarian as he is a progressive democrat and his claim of being a Green Libertarian™ is merely a ploy to cadge free drinks from empty headed fellow progressive rubes who visit your fair burgh.

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