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07 October 2023


Individual Juan

George, are you saying that the Governor and others are pushing back on Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act?

I think it will pass easily.

Individual Juan

"Republicans eat their young" - Donald J Trump 2023.

George, please translate this Trumpspeak for the dim bulbs among us?

Scott O

Lonely Juanita - "George, please translate this..."

A intelligent person with a decent education wouldn't need any help.
They would look at the whole conversation and the context of the situation it arose from.


Posted by: Scott O | 16 October 2023 at 07:35 AM

A intelligent person with a decent education wouldn't need any help.

Scott....he's a former newspaper editor with a master's degree ......and don't forget, he's "award winning"! There's no way he's going to understand a translation let alone the original!


"Why is Newsom going against California's left?"

God but the media is chock full 'O morons.....

Because he's correctly anticipating President Brainstem being carted away in a rubber truck some time early next year


Hyperbolic Jeff 710a

It's obvious... it's just noting conservatives eat their children... knife and fork.

Cooked, not raw. They're not savages.

Can't imagine why a J-school grad would need help with this.

Don Bessee

The lies about the green new deal go up in smoke -

The New York State Public Service Commission (NYPSC), the state's main regulator overseeing electric, gas and water utilities, issued the decision late last week, saying it would "preserve the robust competitive bidding process that provides critically needed renewable energy resources to New York." The energy developers had requested billions of dollars in additional taxpayer funding for four proposed offshore wind projects and 86 onshore green energy projects.

"The requested amendments to the contracts would have provided adjustments outside the competitive procurement process; such relief is fundamentally inconsistent with long-standing Commission policy," Commission Chair Rory Christian said in a statement.



Individual Juan

MAGA hero Trump continues to lie about being forced/ required to be in court during his fraud trial... then 4 minutes later declares he will be in Doral tomorrow for a golf tournament.😂

It was all caught on tape, so don't shoot the messenger Huffpost🤪


Scott O

Lonely Juanita - "so don't shoot the messenger Huffpost"

If you would kindly pay attention, that's Paul Emery's fav tick.

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