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04 October 2023


Scott O

re "Government Is Spending Too Much" - there's an interesting bit in the WSJ (not paywalled if you go through Drudge - 'Wall St Not Sure It Can Handle All of Washington's Bonds...'). How many times do folks have to be told that it works great until it doesn't?

Most amusing line: "Now, the steep declines in prices of Treasurys—meant to be the world’s safest and easiest-to-trade investment—are forcing markets to confront the possibility that the rates required to place all this debt will be higher than anyone expected."

Really? '...than ANYONE expected?'

This is the standard line to try to excuse the fact that the writer of the article has been dismissing information available for decades that there is, indeed, a limit to what the US govt can borrow from the world and have the world just shrug and accept low rates in return.

Let's hope the absolute limit has yet to be reached and the knuckleheads in DC as well as the American public get used to the fact that there's no free lunch.

Usual disclaimer:
Not holding my breath.

Paul Emery


How come that "limit" was not a concern to the Repubs when Trump ran up a 7 Trillion deficit? Also Bush totally trashed the economy when he was Pres. The closest we've had to a balanced budget was under Clinton 2nd term certainly not Reagan, either Bush or Trump.

Paul Emery

Reagan was the absolute champ Between the beginning and the end of the Reagan presidency, the annual deficit almost tripled. So did the gross national debt -- from $995 billion to $2.9 trillion.

"Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion."



Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion."

As comfortable as you are with it you can’t use the same metric that you prefer .....Change Depth in the Guitar Case...or CDGC....for this kind of accounting Punch.


Clinton got it to zero?

Hardly... that was Newt Gingrich that got it to zero, with Clinton & Friends pissing and moaning the whole way.

And Punchy... you keep ignoring the fact that the congress was keeping the pressure up to keep the economy shut down... covid being the scary monster du jour.

Scott O

Paul continues to look at this as a Dem vs R deal. I've pointed out more than once that the die was cast back in the 30s with SS and then the 60s with Medicare. Entitlements are the biggest problem but vote buying, bloated govt growth and earmarks don't help one bit.
Paul complains about Trump being a big spender but goes totally silent when I say then give Trump the blue pencil and have him go to it.
Then watch Paul scream his head off that Trump won't spend enough.
What a BS artist Paul is.
You can not raise taxes on the wealthiest to balance the budget -ever.
The expenditures will simply race ahead. Look at CA's budget mess. Now they are once again pleading with the feds to have the American tax payers bail out the Dems in CA.
Nothing to do with Trump or the Rs - just total Dem lunacy and incompetence.

Paul Emery

Just stating the facts Scott tat Trump increased the deficit by 7 Trillion.

Do you deny that?

Scott O

Paul - "Trump, Trump, Trump......!!!"

Paul Emery


Fact that Trump increased the deficit by 7 Trillion. Do you deny that?


Matlock asks the question a second time.....

Fact that Trump increased the deficit by 7 Trillion. Do you deny that?

Matlock is an idiot.

Individual Juan

"The government is spending too much"...but what do they spend it on?

It's called trickle down theory.

You give the gubmint money, they hire people to manage and make things and give the citizenry money to spend on stuff from China.

You defund the gubmint and many more people apply for unemployment, can't buy stuff...then what?

Paul Emery


Fact is that Trump increased the deficit by 7 Trillion. Do you deny that?



"To tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, national debt was increased by a further 18.01% totaling $4.25 trillion in additional debt from March 2020 to Jan 2021."
from Punchy's link

So, the 7 trillion deficit he blames on Trump was in actuality 2.75T plus 4.25T that was trashed for COVID.

Punch, you are such a bloody f'kn tool.


So, the 7 trillion deficit he blames on Trump was in actuality 2.75T plus 4.25T that was trashed for COVID. Do you deny this, Punch?



Scott O

Lonely Juanita - "You defund the gubmint..."

Who advocated for 'defunding' the govt?

At least you waited until slightly after noon to hit the booze.

Scott O

Gregory - "Punch, you are such a bloody f'kn tool"

It's TDS - Paul has a rather hopeless case.


Punch needs adult supervision.


Punch needs adult supervision.

Punch needs a 5150 hold.


hmmm... how many guns does Punchy own?


Paul Emery

From the beginning of your campaign to inform everyone as to the profligate spending of Trump, I've been telling you that COVID was a part of it.

I'd like to thank your source for including that as a separate issue.

But fuck you very much for your mindless repetition of the basic charge.

I think you've repeated it maybe 10 to 15 times. It's time for a formal retraction and apology. From you. Now.

Paul Emery

Gregory writes "Trump was in actuality 2.75T plus 4.25T that was trashed for COVID."

Provide link or I'll assume you're making it up because you always make excuses for your guy Trump.


i told you already..."from Punchy's link"

an impeccable source


……i told you already..."from Punchy's link"


Self admitted.

Paul Emery

Yes Gregory it was on Trumps watch that the 4.25 was spend on covid so it's his responsibility.


Bizarre twisted logic even for you, punch.

Paul Emery

If it's not the Presidents responsibility then whose responsibility is it Gregory?

Don Bessee

Wallowing in ignorance again oh great ponytail of ignorance @9 LOL



That would be the Speaker of the House. The last two years of the Trump administration, that was Nancy Pelosi.


Total US Debt hits a record

"The US added - checks notes - $275 billion in debt in, uh, ONE

Total US debt is now $33.442 trillion, hit $33 trillion just 2 weeks
ago, and on pace to rise by $1 trillion in 1 month.

WTF is going on"

Remember Punch.....it's the guy who is holding the bag last.

Paul Emery

So that means the Repubs are responsible for the debt of the last two years since they controll the house


Such a simple creature.


So that means the Repubs are responsible for the debt of the last two years since they controll the house

Harken back to long ago.....twelve or so hours ago when you were just so certain, “If it's not the Presidents responsibility then whose responsibility is it Gregory?”.


Such a simple creature.

Such a simple creature....weasel.


Individual Juan

Gregor, So if you are deducting the Covid $4.5T from Trump's spending, how much has Biden spent on Covid that you need to write off?



The pandemic is over.


Gregor, So if you are deducting the Covid $4.5T from Trump's spending, how much has Biden spent on Covid that you need to write off?

A decent chunk since the beginning of President Brainstem's inauguration....it's a distinction that Nevada City's very own resident brainstem has been unable to make!

But Gregory is right....Shotgun Joey can't grift on it anymore. Anyway he's making his National Debt "bones" on the Ukraine fiasco.....


February 2020... the pandemic was beginning to rage. Trump was President.

And at the State of the Union adress, Pelosi ripped in two her copy of the speech.

The following December the vaccine was rolled out.

Individual Juan

Gregor, so you are saying Biden does not get a pass Covid spending during his term?

BTW - thanks for your latest installment of useless history @ 1011hrs.


Emergency spending is spending during emergencies, Jeff.

I recall Democrats calling for all sorts of strange things... gatherins for GOP funerals were forbidden even with masks, DEM demonstrations were OK without masks because, well, because.

It seemed as though DEMS were celebrating the wounding of DJT wherever possible.


"BTW - thanks for your latest installment of useless history @ 1011hrs."

You liked it. Good.

Pelosi's vindictiveness knew no bounds. Much like yours and Paul's.


Funny....when called on it (08:47a) Punchy always seems to disappear until he can attach himself to a new topic after the prior statement is.....ahem forgotten.

Individual Juan

Pablo, I see Gregor doesn't seem to have the ability to answer the question as you have been pointing out for months 🤣


I see Individual Jeff using a Russkie spelling of my name hearkening to the Russia hoax.

There was no involvement of Russia with our elections of 2016 or 2020. The time to let go is past.


Posted by: Individually Wrapped | 10 October 2023 at 11:34 AM

Pablo, I see Gregor doesn't seem to have the ability to answer the question as you have been pointing out for months

He can and he does…..remember Punch doesn’t keep asking the question because it hasn’t been answered. He keeps asking the question because he forgets that it’s been answered.


There is no significant question I've left unanswered for any length of time.

Punchy just punches and counterpunches.

Paul Emery

So Gregory you claim Trump is not responsible for the budget deficits because the Dems controlled the House but with Biden President and the Repubs controlling the House it's just the opposite. Do you realize how ridiculous your argument is? Shows once and for all what a Trumper you are. Anybody following this is surely having a laugh.

Here's a direct quote from you as to who was responsible for the debt and this is your answer:

"That would be the Speaker of the House. The last two years of the Trump administration, that was Nancy Pelosi. "

When asked:

"Gregor, So if you are deducting the Covid $4.5T from Trump's spending, how much has Biden spent on Covid that you need to write of"

You ignore the question by saying: "The pandemic is over. "

You are a joke. By then the economy was trashed all under Trumps watch.


"So Gregory you claim Trump is not responsible for the budget deficits because the Dems controlled the House but with Biden President and the Repubs controlling the House it's just the opposite. Do you realize how ridiculous your argument is?"

That's *your* cartoon version of what I wrote, Punch. Yes, your cartoon version is ridiculous.

Paul Emery

Direct quotes from you Gregory

Scott O

"By then the economy was trashed all under Trumps watch."

What should Trump have done, Paul? Call out the 101st Airborne and have a fed takeover of all the state and local govts? That's where the orders came from to shut down our economy.
Should he have vetoed the bailouts? Would you have applauded that?
Paul's great at throwing rocks at the cars going by but a total zero at answering questions and offering specific suggestions as alternatives.
Funny how everything bad that happened while Trump was pres is Trump's fault but now Biden is responsible for nothing. Childish partisan nonsense.
Ask the folks in Ukraine and Israel if they're better off now that Trump is out of office.

Don Bessee

Its who the marxist city burners really are and creepy grampa joe loves him some mutha mullahs -



Don Bessee

Oh and lets nor forget the lala landers who love the city burner jihadi auxiliary -



Paul Emery


When Trump took office the economy was stable and showing moderate growth, When he left it was trashed and we were very nearly in a depression. Just like when Bush took office following Clinton. When he took office the economy was in great shape and the budget was virtually balanced. When he left we were in a serious recession. Reagan reigned over the highest percentage of debt increase of any President.

Those are facts. The Repubs are bad news when it comes to the economy.

Here are some numbers:

President Reagan increased the debt by $1.86 trillion, or by 186%. That's the most of any President

President Clinton increased the national debt by almost $1.4 trillion in eight years, almost a 32% increase

President Bush added $5.85 trillion to the national debt in eight years, a 101% increase

President Obama added about $8.6 trillion in eight years, about a 74% increase

Trump added $6.7 trillion to the debt between fiscal year 2017 and fiscal year 2020, only four years


Paul Emery

Circle of Jerks:
My power is out in the morning for repairs so you are on your own. I'll check in later if I have time. Starting my five week series with 15 concerts at the Nevada Theatre, Whew. Not much time for silly conversations with Gregory and the other Trumpers on this blog.

Scott O

Typical Paul Emery cowardly cop-out. I ask him what Trump should have done and he realizes he has no answer so he flakes out.
What a complete loser.
Has all the time in the world to throw rocks but no time for constructive opinions.
What else do you expect from the left?

Scott O

re Don 8:00 - I noticed that as well, that the American left supports the slaughter of innocent non-military people just for the purpose of terror.
"Because they had no choice"! Say what??
OK - we see where the Hitlers, Pol Pots, Maos, and Stalins come from - the left - always from the left.

Paul Emery

The facts are the facts Scott. My 8:18 has the numbers that show the Repubs are always a disaster to the economy. Goes back to the roots of the depression. It takes the Dems to pull us out. Show me numbers that show otherwise Scott.


Posted by: Emery X | 10 October 2023 at 08:37 PM

15 concerts…..hmmm…..others suffer for us!

Okay Punch you have a good time and you can finish your “Chicken playing Checkers” dance when you return.

Scott O

Paul has no answers to questions - just repeats himself over and over.
Gives you a window into his tiny, angry, little mind. Reminds me of Bogart in the "Caine Mutiny".


Singleton Putz,
First, as I've said multiple times, I'm not a Trump supporter... that you can't tell the difference is not my problem.

The superiority of Democratic Party economic performance is an old trope that New Deal lovers love to trot out. In short, yes, you can lie with numbers.

Scott O

File this under: California govt isn't spending enough

from the folks that brought you the high speed rail scam -

"What Senator Wiener is proposing is far worse than Obamacare, and will tax Californians an additional $300 Billion"

Free health care at no cost to anyone!
What could possibly go wrong?


'If you think healthcare is expensive now, just wait 'til it's free'
-PJ O'Rourke

Paul Emery

Gregory. You say that you aren't a Trump supporter but you don't show that. You ALWAYS support Trump whenever his veracity is the question just like the current question as to whether he trashed the economy.

Waiting for the power to be shut off for the morning


During this particular shit show, Trump's veracity hasn't been the issue. It's your critical thinking skills interpreting where the money went during the Trump administration... where did the 7T go?

I think it likely that Trump was in for 2.75T plus 4.25T that was trashed for COVID over the last 12 months of his administration, and the only way to stop the COVID pandemic and the 4+T expenditure would be to set the WayBack machine to a few years and get rid of Fauci before the Wuhan gain of function research bore fruit.

Trump didn't cause the pandemic at all and didn't mismanage it terribly.


Hey Chicken Checkers…..thought you were off to torture Nevada City’s collective musical 🎵 sensibilities?

Paul Emery

Once again Gregory you show your undying support for Trump no matter what he does.


You don't live here so what do you know about " Nevada City’s collective musical 🎵 sensibilities?"

I'm waiting for PGE power shutoff for maintenance.


You don't live here so what do you know about " Nevada City’s collective musical 🎵 sensibilities?"

Nothing....just suspected that you tortured them.

Paul Emery

I'll give you a couple of tree tickets to one of my shows, I have 14 of them starting tomorrow. All but one are at the historic Nevada Theatre. One is at the Miners Foundry. Thanks for showing an interest. If you want a couple of tickets I'll have them at the door for "fish".

Here's a link to my website



Posted by: Emerytastic | 11 October 2023 at 10:04 AM

I'll give you a couple of tree tickets to one of my shows...

Not sure what a "tree ticket" is but really not necessary. Probably wind up like the time you were going to arrange for me to speak to your Greek Association up there....remember when us calling you an idiot was somehow impugning Greeks as a group.

.....you never came through on that either.

Paul Emery

"Greek association?" you made that up. Can you verify that with a quote from this blog?

Lots of good concerts fishole. Tickets are selling and you have two comps to a show of your choice.



"Trump didn't cause the pandemic at all and didn't mismanage it terribly"

-is translated by Punchy into-

"Once again Gregory you show your undying support for Trump no matter what he does"

Irrationality incarnate.


fish hole, take the tickets. Paul doesn't actually appear on stage on many if not all the acts.

Paul Emery

I am the producer of the shows not the performer Gregory.


Posted by: Enteric Coated | 11 October 2023 at 11:01 AM

"Greek association?" you made that up.

I absolutely did not. I may be off on the details....it's been 5 or 6 years but the Circle of Jerks calling you an idiot was taken as a blanket condemnation of your ancestry somehow and those who share it. I volunteered to come up and tell them why you were a jerk specifically and for a couple of posts you seemed pretty enthusiastic.....but then something else distracted you I think. Yeah....I was surprised too!

Anyway I never received my invitation


Of course, calling Emery an idiot is an affront to his ancestry. Who else is responsible?


"Trump didn't cause the pandemic at all and didn't mismanage it terribly"

Punch, how is that even positive in your book?

Paul Emery

But Trump agreed to spend the money Gregory. I assume then that you have no problem with that. So if Trump spends the money it's ok but if Biden spends the money it's not. That about sums it up with your support of Trump with whatever he does and anything Biden does is wrong.


You're projecting, Punch.

The country was shut down and not by Trump's choice. People like you were screaming to not have to go and interact with anyone. Masks! Keep away from other people!

Write checks, it's what our government does best.


So, you're here. Trump didn't have anything to do with unleashing the virus in the USA, correct?

And he didn't make any big mistakes in handling it?

And the vaccine (such as it is) was being administered before the end of 2020?

So, what did Trump do that earned the scorn you heap on him over the virus?


Democratic Party whizz-dumb abounds.

Don Bessee

The socialist dem jihadi caucus are the nazis that run the dnc and love watching the criminal chaos in their cities -

a Gallup poll published in March 2023 found their affinity toward the Palestinians finally eclipsed their support of Israel, 49% to 38%.

The attitudes from March reflected a continued decline in Israeli support, from 40% to 38% and an 11-point surge of support for Palestinian people, from 38% to 49%.

The 38% support for Israel was a historic low for the Democratic Party, as is the 13% of Democrats who said they do not favor one side over the other.




" But Trump agreed to spend the money Gregory. I assume then that you have no problem with that. So if Trump spends the money it's ok but if Biden spends the money it's not. That about sums it up with your support of Trump with whatever he does and anything Biden does is wrong."
punchy 243p

That's a quote, Punch. The words you wrote, not my recollection of what I thought you wrote.

You obviously have a model in your mind that twists things beyond recognition.

Spending bills passed by congress are the law... you might have missed the problems Biden recently had in NOT spending the money to built walls at the southern border.

Go back to blowing donkeys.



Paul Emery


Spending bills are signed by the President who has the option to veto. Trump signed the budget Gregory. Thought you knew that.

"Congress sends the approved funding bills to the president to sign or veto."


The Estonian Fox

From the latest (10/13) Maven's Notebook newsletter.

Fort Bragg first to bring new desalination technology to the West Coast-
“The City of Fort Bragg was awarded a state grant of $1.49 million from the Department of Water Resources to pilot a cutting-edge desalination technology developed by Oneka Technologies of Canada. Oneka was seeking a coastal client in California as their first venture into the complex state environmental protection requirements that California demands for activities in the ocean.

Thank goodness that Cali doesn't have really restrictive rules on producing safe drinking water. Leave enough for the fishes. At least they enjoy crappy water.

Note to Newsome- fracking produces a lot of fresh water. The drillers can use brackish water, add some more chemicals to it, and several months later, when the recovered oil is burned, they get CO2 + H2O. That's pure water, soon to be actual rainwater. I thought Cali begs for rain. Maybe Gavin hasn't taken a chemistry course lately, or ever.

Paul Emery


Trump told the American people Mexico was going to pay for the wall. That was a noteworthy trump lie.

"“I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall.”



Posted by: Embot | 13 October 2023 at 01:50 PM

Trump, Trump, Trump……


punchy 1108a

Thank you for repeating the faerie tale version of the budget and appropriation process.

Paul Emery


Am I wrong in saying the President has to sign the budget before it can be enacted and has the power of veto? And what happenned to Trumps promice Mexico was going to pay for the Wall? Was that a lie or was it just an idea?


What budget?

And you were asleep when Trump declared that Mexico had all but repaid the Wall from a trade agreement renegotiation. All done.

You can go back to blowing donkeys.

Paul Emery


Then why didn't Trump build the wall if we had the money from Mexico that was intended to fund construction? They are two completely different things. Can you show me they were related and that funding the wall was part of the negotiations that went into the trade agreement negotiations you refer to? Show me the explicit language that documents . If that's true what happened to the money that was intended to fulfilling Trumps promise to have Mexico fund the wall construction?


Posted by: Embot Jr.| 14 October 2023 at 12:21 AM

Trump, Trump, Trump……



punch, I can't show you shit when you're so worked up.

Paul Emery

Show me where it was Trumps plan in advance to fund the wall through trade negotiations with Mexico. You seem to know all about it so it should be easy to provide the information.

Paul Emery

1:41 was for Gregory, an expert is all things Trump


Have you finished blowing donkeys for today, Punch?

Paul Emery

Once again Gregory comes to Trumps rescue whenever Trumps challenged. Gregory is a Trumper all the way and always sides with him whenever he lies like he did by claiming Mexico paid for the wall. If they paid for the wall, like Gregory claims, then why didn't Trump build it?


And yet I've never voted for Trump and still have no plans to do so in '24?

Clean the donkey jizz off your face, Punch. Disgusting.

Paul Emery


You ALWAYS support Trump on any issue that has appeared on this blog concerning him. Show me a couple of examples where you didn't.

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