George Rebane
‘Biden Keeps the Billions Flowing to Iran’ details Joe Biden’s ongoing treachery to undermine America and its allies. I am completely flummoxed as to why that treasonous asshole in the White House is not arrested immediately with House impeachment proceedings pending. He is openly and actively aiding and abetting a sworn enemy of the US who daily attacks our military installations in the middle east and makes war on our allies. And we have enabled the mullahs to amass over $35B of supposedly sanctioned petro-dollars to fund their ongoing efforts to become the new hegemon of the region.
And SecHS Alejandro Mayorkas is still out of jail. The sumbich has been bald-faced lying about our southern border being “secure” for years now, and the lamestream swallows and rebroadcasts that swill. We see evidence of that right here on RR where our leftwing readers don’t have a clue of what has been happening with the illegal wetback influx of millions. All they can focus on is allegations of Trump having claimed 2020 election irregularities and overpricing his real estate holdings to willing buyers, both of which he is perfectly free to do in this land of the free and home of the brave. Meanwhile the most corrupt administration in the country’s history continues unhindered to dismantle the American Republic and implement its socialist agenda. For the leftwing electorate it is the epitome of ignorance if there ever was one.