George Rebane
Trump’s intent to deport illegals here less than two years is considered by the looney tunes lamestream as being “extreme”, and further evidence that he intends to destroy our democracy. So the questions again are 1) is it illegal/unconstitutional to deport aliens who have entered the country illegally?, and 2) what length of residency by the illegals qualifying for deportation then is not extreme? It’s idiotic to put this threshold at zero, since then the invitation goes out to the world that just getting your wet butt across the river and hiding out for a bit is all that is necessary for permanent residency, qualifying for all the benefits, and more. This is exactly what today’s illegal aliens making their way to the border are betting on.
If you use the same or similar words as Hitler used to describe his enemies, then you are automatically a fascist, Nazi, … . This is the twisted reasoning that Trump’s opponents are telling their under-educated constituents who are innocent of history and the uses of language. Now I’m not a proponent of Trump’s own record of shooting off at the lip. But to tell the double dummies out there that such usages are proof of Trump’s sinister political ideology and governance when elected does not serve the county well. But it is one more bit of evidence that benefitting the country has never been the intention of the woke progressives and other collectivist fellow travelers.
Most journalists like to be the recipients of leaks – well almost. When pressed in public, these reporters immediately do a little back-tracking by telling us that they are not in favor of leaks that are illegal, immoral, or unethical. The question this raises for me again is ‘what is our right to privacy?’ While the Constitution contains no express right to privacy, legal scholars do cite “the most obvious protection of privacy in the Bill of Rights is the Fourth Amendment, which protects individuals in their persons, homes, papers, and effects from "unreasonable searches and seizures" by the government.” The restriction ‘by the government’ should give us pause, because it doesn’t say anything about your neighbor prying into your affairs and broadcasting his findings. Other students of the law cite the Basic or Common Law of Privacy – “The right of privacy is: the right of a person to be free from unwarranted publicity, the unwarranted appropriation or exploitation of one's personality, the publicizing of one's private affairs with which the public has no legitimate concern.” So who does the warranting and assessing legitimate concerns? To me it sounds like the issue of privacy is another plank in the full-employment platform for the country’s lawyers.
Just the scum sucking dogs acknowledging what we already knew about the real nazis the creepy grampa joe and the wokesters have been empowering since 0!
Posted by: Don Bessee | 19 November 2023 at 07:44 PM
Too true. -
'America Is Going To Be The Poorest Country In The World' Robert Kiyosaki Warns That 'The Slums Of Mumbai Are Spreading Across America'
Posted by: Don Bessee | 21 November 2023 at 05:43 PM