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22 April 2024



I had to laugh at the NOAA story. I'll bet it's some software problem that they can't fix, so they just do the next best thing. The guy who knows which punch card in the FORTRAN deck to change died some time ago.

Regarding election influence, it appears to matter what the desired result is. There's no problem to have Democratic Party activists running election departments, DNC hooks into the social media monopolies, huge campaign contributions from DEI-oriented banking and tech corporations, and government-scale money and effort coming in from the UK and Israel to help 'their' candidates.

Plus, after a few years of lawfare, it's pretty obvious that the 'progressives' are not only on a roll, but can't see that they are bending the system to their will. You choice is to either avoid/ignore it all, or bring the same hardness to your game. In California, I can't see that it matters in the long run as either our Robot Overlords will be running matters, and/or the state will switch to Spanish as it's primary language. Any 'victory' by progressives will be fairly short-lived.

Individual Juan

“There’s nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. It’s called democracy,”

Tell that to the Hunter Biden Laptop pinhead contingent.

fish ole'

Speaking of "Pinhead Contingent"....they seem to have a presence in the Attorney Generals office and the DOJ

"F**king Clown Show": Unsealed Court Docs Reveal Biden DOJ Colluded With National Archives To Target Trump, Jack Smith Tried To Conceal

If you could only see my "shocked face"!


Scott O


"Tell that to the Hunter Biden Laptop pinhead contingent."

This, from the crew that denied the existence of the laptop.

fish ole'

I see no reason to doubt this claim.....

Bannon Slams ‘Performative’ Jim Jordan, Says House Republicans Secretly Want Trump to Lose

Nearly as much as I imagine as the democrats want Biden to lose!

I don't think anyone wants to be tarred with the crap economy we're likely to see over the next 4 or 5 years!


Paul Emery

fishh ole'

zerohedge is not a credible source because they collaborate with the Russians to spread their propaganda.

Here's an example:

"Washington (AP) -- U.S. intelligence officials on Tuesday accused a conservative financial news website with a significant American readership of amplifying Kremlin propaganda and alleged five media outlets targeting Ukrainians have taken direction from Russian spies.
The officials said Zero Hedge, which has 1.2 million Twitter followers, published articles created by Moscow-controlled media that were then shared by outlets and people unaware of their nexus to Russian intelligence. The officials did not say whether they thought Zero Hedge knew of any links to spy agencies and did not allege direct links between the website and Russia."


Scott O

I'm sure Jordan thinks the way a lot of conservatives do. Another 4 more years of Biden or whatever sock-puppet they run will put Americans off of the Dems for a long time.
It don't work that way. The left wants the country to run into the ground and so more of the same, please. And the 'moderate' Dems will absolutely refuse to acknowledge the damage their party causes with their good intentions and lavish vote-buying.
Look at how bad things are in CA and the Dems still have an easy time on election day.
The Dems can count on Idiot Juanita and his ilk for votes far into the future no matter what happens.

fish ole'

Posted by: psul Emery | 23 April 2024 at 12:39 PM

zerohedge is not a credible source because they collaborate with the Russians to spread their propaganda.


Still can't spell can you? ....and you got to go through the California public schools (I think) when they didn't suck quite so bad!

Anyway Mr. National Propaganda Radio/raw sewage.com spare us any complaints about sources....


Scott O

Paul E - "U.S. intelligence officials on Tuesday accused ..."


Well that's the exact same thing as being proven true in a court of law. Because they 'accuse'.
Same crowd that told us Hunters laptop was just Ruskie dis-info. Yessir - extremely trustworthy.


"The officials did not say whether they thought Zero Hedge knew of any links to spy agencies and did not allege direct links between the website and Russia".

And then there's the connection between Michael Bloomberg and the Democratic Party


"And then there's the connection between Michael Bloomberg and the Democratic Party"

The thing to remember is that Bloomberg is goodthinkful while Zero Hedge is badthinkful.

Maybe Zero Hedge is worse because it's mostly an aggregator, so the badthink is second generation. It's doubleplus badthinking.

Things must be mighty slow in Pridetown USA for psul to lean up from his pee-stained BarcaLounger to bitch about Zero Hedge, but that's the nature of the modern world I guess.

As a side note, one of the funniest facts of our age is the repurposing of Russia as a tool for domestic policy from the Right to the Left. Them folks in Eurasia are tricky bastards I guess.


"for psul to lean up from his pee-stained BarcaLounger to bitch about Zero Hedge"

The trick in one's old age is to get up when you first feel the need to pee. Paul, shame on you. No pissing on the furniture.

Paul Emery

What are you talking about Gregory? Just passed on some news from a reliable source.


Try Depends next time, Paul.


" zerohedge is not a credible source because they collaborate with the Russians to spread their propaganda."

Punch... where is the evidence ZH "collaborates" with the Russkies?

Scott O

"...published articles created by Moscow-controlled media that were then shared by outlets and people unaware of their nexus to Russian intelligence."

What articles? Links? Notice they don't even try to claim the articles were false.

It's hilarious that the US authorities are mad that the Russians do the same thing that they do with news outlets.


scotto: "It's hilarious that the US authorities are mad that the Russians do the same thing that they do with news outlets."

I had to resume my composure after someone suggested that Bloomberg news is a more reliable source than ZH. I guess that if you swim in the 'progressive' pool you don't notice the water. At least ZH, which is mostly an aggregator, makes it more obvious that it publishes opinion pieces. Bloomberg is opinion pieces masquerading as news, like MSM generally in a clickbait era.

In any case, the amount of attempted US influence on Russian elections since the USSR broke up enormously dwarfs (is there a bigger word than 'enormously'? that's what I'll use if I think of it) Russian influence on the US. At this point, 'RUSSIA' is mostly just a marketing term for ginned-up sign waving. While Putin&Co are not nice guys, I can totally see the outrage in the post-Soviet rape of the place by Western interests and the continuing adventures by NeoConLibs in Eastern Europe over the last couple of decades. It's all your typical outrageous behavior by a hegemon, there's really nothing new here, but peoples' blindness to the situation always surprises me.

Dunno how far the US will take all this as the Rainbow Flag would make a poor photo-op at Mount Suribachi.

fish ole'

Somebody beat you to your thought.....


Individual Juan

“There’s nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. It’s called democracy,” advised Trump lawyer Todd Blanche"

Blanche will say anything.

Then why were so many pinheads whining about the Mueller Report, the Trump Dossier, Hunter Biden's laptop being withheld?

Maybe Blanche is FOS

Christina Bobb, recently appointed to lead the Election Integrity Committee wing of the RNC was just indicted for Election Subversion

You gotta love the ironic hypocrisy.

The Republican Party is so corrupt they don't even try to hide it any longer.

You cannot make this shit up, lol!


Scott O

"Mueller Report, the Trump Dossier, Hunter Biden's laptop being withheld?"

Those involved our tax dollars, actions by the fed govt - not private money.
And they lied about it under oath.
Hunters laptop reveals criminal activity being covered up by the govt.
The Dossier was fraud.
Completely different stuff.
Everything a candidate does influences an election.
But you don't get to cook up a fraud report, have buddies in the FBI use it to lie to a court and try to criminally charge your opponent with it.
Unless you're a Dem and then you can break all the laws you want.


Gregory on 4/23/2024;
you reminded me of a story. Mel Brooks was on a panel taking questions from the audience and was asked if he wore boxers or briefs. He quickly replied, "Depends." The guy is wonderful and at 97 years old still has his wit about him that has made him great.


Quote o' the day from Caitlin Johnstone, courtesy of Edward Snowden.


I'm still holding my sides watching FOUR MORE YEARS...PAUSE. lol. Man, we are so fucked.


"The worldwide climate ruse continues..."
Yes, it does.

I didn't save the link yesterday, but I saw a vid of President Trump being grilled by journos recently, saying there would be a cooling. No background mentioned.

If he's referencing Dr. Valentina Zharkova's research, he might be jumping the gun but then I think water is wet so who am I to judge?

I'm waiting for a downturn, and will whip out Zharkova when and if the time comes.

Regarding the missing sensors in the network, it's my understanding that generating phantom sensors by averaging temps from decommissioned locations was done not to make phony records... they were just being lazy.

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