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25 July 2024



I honestly don't think that rambling speeches will make a bit of difference. They are as silly as Team Blue speeches consisting of carefully read cue cards written by staffers.

What's going to drive this (I think) is simply clever manipulation of the public, mostly online, by real or imaginary gotcha clips.

It's all about capturing a few hundred thousand votes in very particular places with a strategy built atop huge giant wads of cash.

If anything, I'd say that it's Kamala's to lose since (a) they have the Wall Street and media people in their pocket (b) the Karen Party is in full voice (c) there's a bunch of people with iron rice bowls at stake. No one is going to make their daily bread from a Trump promise while Harris can throw the lucre far and wide. That, and the better ground game (ownership of elections departments, personal visits to blind granny at the nursing home) give a leg up to Democrats.

In any case, it's waay to early to tell. I'm paying zero attention to polls or gotcha clips, aside from pure amusement, until a month or so before the main event.

Is Harris cataclysmic? I doubt it, all she'll do is speed up the demise a bit.

Every now and again, I think about this essay:



This is why Trump may luck back into the Oval Office.....

Seen elsewhere -

They say Bill Clinton was the first black president. But Trump is now blacker than Bill and blacker than Barry.

Had his door kicked in by the cops? Check.

Been arrested multiple times? Check.

Been the victim of malicious prosecution? Check.

Been shot? Check.

And...the thing that upsets Punch the most....what with the "Bonking" and the Babes in arms"!

add a bit of his few babymoms and side bitches for taste. 100% authentic hood flavor.

George Rebane

scenes 755pm - never claimed that "rambling speeches" would make a difference. But I firmly believe that Trump's name-calling and all the vituperation that goes with it will definitely make a difference with those not unconditionally committed to him.


I was probably going to vote for him (Hi Punch™) anyway...you don't need to sell me on the idea...

Sharon Stone vows to leave USA if Trump elected...

It's almost as though Hollywood progressives (even has beens like Sharon Stone) are trying to drive voter turnout!



Hey Punch™ .....still time to do a little shopping for your fall wardrobe.....be the most popular cool kid in your fair burgh!

Seller On Amazon Sold Merch Reading "The Only Good Trump Is A Dead One"

Go the "The Right Thinkful Progressive Store of Tolerance" and get yours....today!



"But I firmly believe that Trump's name-calling and all the vituperation that goes with it will definitely make a difference with those not unconditionally committed to him."

I doubt they ever see a speech. The few people that watch these things aren't in play.

What'll happen is that opposition research will pour through every speech at every venue, grab cell phone pics/video/audio wherever they can, scoop out the money shot, run that over and over on social media.

Both sides will do it, it's just that the Democrats have more money, being the party of Big Money and all.

It isn't like Ms. Harris doesn't already say absolutely heinous things about Trump already, it's just that she gets more of a pass. It's generally acceptable to call any adult white male a rapist Hitler at this point. Karen Kulture runs the country right now, dunno how long it will last.

Real MAGA Wives of SCOTUS

Hyperbolic Ruminators, you don't do yourself any favors trying to paint Democrats as Marxists and Communists.

As far as I can tell, Harris mostly voted the Democratic party line.

You have to have been a coma to not to have noticed how Congress votes these days - party line all the way.


Posted by: Real MAGA Wives of SCOTUS | 29 July 2024 at 07:03 AM


Spare us....you fuckers hate Harris far more than we do as evidenced by her 2% showing in the last democrat primary.

Scott O


"...you don't do yourself any favors trying to paint Democrats as Marxists and Communists."

Because various Dems already do a far better job at it.
Actually I find them much closer to fascists than anything else. They check all the boxes nicely.

Real MAGA Wives of SCOTUS

Trumpers, the party of misogynist white supremacists.

Pick up your doggie bags - get off my lawn!



"Hyperbolic Ruminators, you don't do yourself any favors trying to paint Democrats as Marxists and Communists."

That's kind of old school. There was a time when the fight was about economics, but no longer. You are probably just showing your age here.

I'd say that the tendency for the government to grow is baked into the cake, at least until it collapses. In the meantime, (D) becomes the war party and the party of big business, but there are enough aged (R)s that it's a soft boundary.

Modern Democrats, weirdly, have become the party of middle-aged women with anxiety issues and mentally-ill men in dresses. There's no telling what their ownership of schools and media will lead to, but it can't be good.

One small advantage I can take from this is that there's so much more for me to make fun of than there used to be. Tax rates and abortion law (just when does a fetus deserve legal protection?) is boring, but Grand Admiral Levine never grows old as a topic.


"You have to have been a coma to not to have noticed how Congress votes these days - party line all the way."

As a side note, if that were strictly true, all Senators and House Members would have one of two voting scores.

Real MAGA Wives of SCOTUS

Modern Republicans are the same as they were 100 years ago - living in the past.

"Levine is a professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at the Penn State College of Medicine, and previously served as the Pennsylvania physician general from 2015 to 2017 and as secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health from 2017 to 2021.[3] Levine is one of only a few openly transgender government officials in the United States,[4] and is the first to hold an office that requires Senate confirmation.[5][6] On October 19, 2021, Levine became the first openly transgender four-star officer in the nation's eight uniformed services."


Posted by: Real MAGA Wives of SCOTUS | 29 July 2024 at 09:46 AM

Ducking the question again dugsKKKi.....weak sauce!


"Modern Republicans are the same as they were 100 years ago - living in the past."

If by 'past' you mean the Clinton administration, maybe so. I'd say that 'past' is inhabited by people who think we are all fighting about the political arguments from 25 years ago.

In a nutshell.

1) Levine is mentally-ill
2) Levine shows his kinky cross-dressing fetish in public.
3) Levine is in a position of authority, including over children's health.

The first is unavoidable perhaps, the second is questionable, the third is unacceptable.

So, is Levine a woman? Yes or no?

Should be a simple enough question for either you or psul. We'll see where it leads assuming you are man (or transgender man) enough to actually justify a position.


Why just "honorary"? I don't know why she doesn't just go for it.....it's not like she hasn't engaged in this on a casual basis for personal benefit.....

Kamala told Harvey Milk Democratic Club she wanted to be ‘honorary sex worker’: report

You shouldn't be afraid to chase your dreams in Joe Biden's America.



"Ducking the question again dugsKKKi.....weak sauce!"

It's difficult for these people not to duck, it's a weak position that they feel strongly about.

You've got basically two versions of civilization at war. One is 3000+ years old with plenty of minor variants, the other springs from thing to thing, none of which work but they keep trying.

It's worth considering what causal chain led from the French Revolution, to Marxism, to the current movement of Karens and pervs. It would be nice to have a simple answer, but given the mass nature of the thing I don't think that political essayists ever got it right.

In the long run, the Earth doesn't care, and if Western Civilization falls, that's that. Cultures evolve in a competitive environment and it's pretty obvious how low functioning the modern West is becoming. It's hard to build an economy out of childlessness, white wine, and surveillance advertising.

Real MAGA Wives of SCOTUS

"So, is Levine a woman? Yes or no?"

Somebody has been watching "A Few Good Men" too much.

They are on the spectrum.

"Get off my lawn!"


Posted by: Real MAGA Wives of SCOTUS | 29 July 2024 at 10:36 AM

"So, is Levine a woman? Yes or no?"

Somebody has been watching "A Few Good Men" too much.

They are on the spectrum.

"Get off my lawn!"

Ackshually we have been forced for a couple of years now by the other stalwart progressive about town....you know the one.....the Matlock impersonator....to answer questions strictly in a "YES or NO" ALL CAPS fashion!

On what spectrum? Biologically you really....unless genetically damaged in some way (Which I suspect many of these people are)....are either one or the other in order to propagate the species. No amount of wishing is going to Make the Grand Admiral female. He is by definition a female impersonator.

Well now you're just channeling hard white shoes George Boardman....which is sad!


re: RMWOS@10:36AM

roflmao. That's about the kind of non-answer answer I expect.

I get it. Team Blue is full of crazy people, but team spirit tells you not to rock the cart.

So, is Levine a woman? Should Levine be legally considered a woman? Go to female jail if necessary. Use the women's restroom. Strip in the women's locker room down at the ol' gym? Stand there proudly and wave her weinie at the other chicks?

Why is it so hard to answer? Methinks it's because your belief system is garbage.

Real MAGA Wives of SCOTUS

StratoLounger -

I guess all's y'alls are too clueless to understand that "'they' are on the 'spectrum'" is the correct response.

I am sorry MAGA dumbfucks are so ossified they cannot accept any changes to their primitive belief systems.

Y'all sound really pissed about Kamala!

"Get off my lawn!"


I guess all's y'alls are too clueless to understand that "'they' are on the 'spectrum'" is the correct response.

White people using "Y'all" is the dumbest thing ever! Of course so is wearing the Greek Fisherman's cap....but here we are!

I am sorry MAGA dumbfucks are so ossified they cannot accept any changes to their primitive belief systems.

Gee its just tho thuper that you're such an enlightened soul!

Y'all sound really pissed about Kamala!

Nahh..."Heels Up" is emblematic of modern progressivism! Really after President Brainstem where else were you going to go?

"Get off my lawn!"

Sorry George.....


"I guess all's y'alls are too clueless to understand that "'they' are on the 'spectrum'" is the correct response."

Bummer that there isn't a spectrum of bathrooms, jails, athletic events, affirmative action, medical care.

In Crazy Town, we could have a whole N-dimensional array of the-way-people-are, ideally suited to each individual. Just think, Democrats could organize the Sam Brinton Tournament of Buggery, complete with young men in leather dog masks and little else. It's 'modern times' after all, and the flags are already printed up.

It all get especially serious when the mentally-ill who managed to wedge a foot into the door of power went after the children.

Not acceptable.

What on earth is wrong with you people? Feelz-based is not much of a way to run a life old son.

Real MAGA Wives of SCOTUS

I know, y'alls are pissed that you invested in the MAGA tailgate wrap of Biden gagged and bagged in the back of your pick-m-up trucks and now you have to pay for the Kamala truck wrap


I know, y'alls are pissed that you invested in the MAGA tailgate wrap of Biden gagged and bagged in the back of your pick-m-up trucks and now you have to pay for the Kamala truck wrap

I worry about you dug....and that's from my ticker....you and Punch, two frightened elderly men losing the plot!

It's OK....go get the greek Fisherman's cap.....yes that one.....put it on! Now go down to your local watering hole and regale the assembled about how you gave those Trumpists what fer today...the ol 23 Skidoo if you will! Let em know that you really settled our hash online today....just like the good old days back in the Bowery!


It's Jacobins all the way down.


Posted by: Real MAGA Wives of SCOTUS | 29 July 2024 at 12:40 PM

I know, y'alls are pissed that you invested in the MAGA tailgate wrap of Biden gagged and bagged in the back of your pick-m-up trucks and now you have to pay for the Kamala truck wrap

Does it trouble you at all using "y'all" while looking so much like Colonel Sanders!

Asking for a friend!

Scott O

"I know, y'alls are pissed..."

Actually - we're not - we're laughing at the absurdity of what is going on in this country. It's now all out in front of everyone and we see what a bunch of dumb shits we live with. You lefties and Dems totally fell for the lie that Biden was "sharp as a tack" when those of us with intelligence could plainly see he was senile.
Now we see you morons totally buying into Heels-Up-Harris as the smartest person in the room.

Scott O

Here's your next POTUS:
She was asked - "Will you work with the GOP on the border issue?"
Any one with a brain or a good sense of politics would have simply said: "Of course we will - we look forward to reaching across the aisle to resolve all the issues our country is facing". How hard is that?
Oh, no - she has to go into a rambling line of blather. She is a classic case of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
H L Mencken - call your office - I think this country is almost there.

Don Bessee





Paul Emery

Of course Scott you believe Trump is a real mental giant right?


Posted by: psul Emery | 29 July 2024 at 08:39 PM

So…..when can I expect to hear you to say “I stand corrected” about Vance Punch?

Scott O

Ha ha! from Paul:
"wut about..."

The subject was Harris and what a dimwit she is.
Trump built an empire and was a good president.
Harris has done nothing but tell lies about how sharp and fit Biden is.

Don Bessee

They actually let creepy grampa joe talk in public! ROFLOL sounds like something he would say to cornpop -

Biden's 'dead on arrival' jab at Speaker Johnson bewilders social media users: 'What does that even mean?'

When pressed for clarification, Biden added, "He is. Dead on arrival."

Biden reiterated this comment during his prepared remarks on his op-ed at the LBJ Presidential Library, in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act.

"The Republican Speaker of the House says whatever he proposes is dead on arrival," Biden said. "Well, I was thinking his thinking is dead on arrival!"

"’Put Trump in a bullseye’ has pivoted to the faux POTUS saying House Speaker Johnson is ‘dead on arrival.’ But JD Vance is weird. Or something,"

"Imagine if Donald Trump said Kamala Harris was ‘dead on arrival’ and then said the same thing when pressed for clarification. Jake Tapper would be hyperventilating right now."

The Federalist senior legal correspondent Margot Cleveland commented, "Our Commander-in-Chief just threatened to take out the Speaker of the House."

"Yeah, this guy definitely thought up and wrote the op-Ed in today's Washington Post," National Review writer Jeff Blehar joked.

Johnson himself responded to the video on X, posting a video of former President Trump during his debate with Biden.

"I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either," Trump said.




Hey Punch....where's my "I stand corrected"?


"They milked Jan 6 for three years. They’ll try to move on from the attempted assassination of a presidential candidate by next Monday."

- Joel Berry on X


Punch... Harris isn't known as a mental giant, was a diversity admit to Hastings.

She is a minority by DNA but her dad was a Stanford professor and her mom had degrees in biology... Harris had a more privileged start to life than I did. And she didn't have a drop of African American blood... her dad was Jamaican, from a slave owning family IIRC.


The poor kitty!
Won't someone help that poor thing?



Gregory: "It's Jacobins all the way down."

Real MAGA: "Modern Republicans are the same as they were 100 years ago - living in the past."

James Howard Kunstler: "Thus began the Thermidorian Reaction — called that, because the Jacobins had added an extra mid-summer month, Thermidor, to their cuckoo calendar. Now, one might ask, was July 27, 2024, the start of the revolt against progressive Woke-ism? It’s hard to imagine what kind of public spectacle the Left could come up with to beat the Olympic opener."

I was thinking about that this morning.

At what point do regular people get sick of being pushed and pushed and pushed? I guess there's a limit to the American ability to put up with things, but we haven't hit it yet.

The problem is that the counter-reaction will be more heinous the longer you wait.


"She is a minority by DNA but her dad was a Stanford professor "

From the New Yorker: "Kamala’s parents—her father, Donald Harris, is a renowned Marxist economist from Jamaica who taught at Stanford University for decades"

Harris' factotum (and potential VP) Buttigieg's father:

From Wikipedia: "Joseph Anthony Buttigieg II...was a Maltese-American Marxist literary scholar and translator"

I guess this time it'll be 'real' Marxism.


Joe Buttigieg was a scholar of renoun, a translator not of "real" Marxism but of Marx version 4, Antonio Gramsci, founder of the Italian Communist Party; Joe was the founder of the International Gramsci Society. It was the Gramsci flavor that Max Horkheimer and Marcuse served students like Angela Davis, the New Left of the '60's. Gramsci/Horkheimer were key figures in the creation of Woke or Cultural Marxism.

Paul Emery

The Conservative RCP website that tracks all the top polls now has Harris ahead in 6 of the eight battleground states. Last week Trump was ahead in seven of the eight. Trump the loser shines again with his choice of Vance as his running mate. He is such a gift to the Dems. His legacy of being the biggest political loser since the 1800's will be topped off when he loses to Harris meaning he will be the first Presidential candidate in history to lose two presidential races as well as the House and Senate.



1) There ain't no such thing as a "Conservative RCP" website
2) The centrist RCP website is largely unchanged.

Nice try, Punch. No points.


Posted by: psul Emery | 30 July 2024 at 06:18 PM

Oh good you’re here! So when can I expect my “I stand corrected” from you Punch?

Don Bessee

Very interesting when you look at the patterns -

The one-time reality television host and real estate mogul has been the putative leader of the Republican Party for nearly a decade. Despite myriad vulnerabilities and weaknesses for Harris to exploit in the final 100 days of this campaign, Trump is arguably the strongest he’s ever been as a presidential candidate. A review of the public opinion polls from his first two presidential campaigns, and the 2024 surveys, tells the tale.

By the numbers, Trump is in better electoral shape today than he was at this point in 2016 versus Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Ditto in 2020 versus Biden.

On Monday morning, Trump was leading Harris in the RealClearPolitics average of national polls by a margin of 1.7 percentage points—47.9 percent to 46.2 percent. Four years ago today, Biden led Trump in the RealClearPolitics average by 8.4 points and was cracking the important 50 percent threshold, enjoying a 50.1 percent to 41.7 percent advantage over the then-incumbent president. Eight years ago, Trump and Clinton were tied at 44.3 percent, each.

It’s not just the extent of Trump’s lead today, compared to trailing or being tied in the previous campaigns. Look at Trump’s vote share, a critical metric. Presently, he is approaching 48 percent of the vote, putting him closer to 50 percent on a consistent basis than he’s ever been. Four years ago, Trump was just above 40 percent at this stage of the race—and in that first campaign against Clinton he was in the mid 40s. The mid 40s has, until now, been his ceiling; Trump won in 2016 with 46.1 percent of the vote and lost in 2020 with 46.8 percent of the vote.

In nine of the 15 polls that make up the polling average referenced above, Trump is at 48 percent or higher; in seven of those surveys, he is garnering 49 percent of the vote, or higher.

The candidates’ personal favorability ratings—also an important factor in presidential campaigns—also shows signs of improvement for Trump when compared to his previous campaigns. We had trouble finding a complete set of perfectly competing numbers based on this day in history. But in 2016, Trump outpaced Clinton on Election Day despite a disapproval number of 61 percent, as measured by Gallup, compared to just 52 percent for his opponent.




Joe Rogan on Harris. This is something I buy.



"Nice try, Punch. No points."

Oh well. He thinks that Admiral Levine is a woman. All else follows.


Posted by: scenes | 31 July 2024 at 07:00 AM

Oh well. He thinks that Admiral Levine is a woman. All else follows.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

Scott O

scenes 6:58 - "He’s (Rogan) baffled by how Kamala Harris went from being “the least popular vice president of all time” to a celebrated “hero.”

I may get stuff wrong about politics in this country but I saw that one a mile out.
Because she had the pile of money now in her name. So, she gets the full PR treatment and voila - from dumbshit to smartest person in the room in no time.

The big story here is the percentage of Americans so ignorant and sheep-like that they totally buy into it without a thought. That's the scary part. Those are the same exact people that put Hitler and other despots into power. They've learned to buy breakfast cereal and cars with the same blank stare stupidity, why not candidates for office.
Hey - it's not like the Dems need an actual intelligent person to be a figure-head reading off a teleprompter to have a viable candidate.


This is why it's completely pointless to be "conservative' politically.

Once ‘Unthinkable’: For Many ‘Never Trumpers’ Supporting Kamala Harris Turned Out to be ‘Remarkably Easy,’ Argues Charlie Sykes

Remember this when they beg you for money!

Hey Punch....where's my "I stand corrected"?


Scott O

re Sykes idea that "conservatives" find it easy to vote for Harris:
I would first ask them why they consider themselves to be a conservative.
Kinda like "Jews for Hitler" or "gays for Hamas".


Like "Chickens for KFC".

I doubt Sykes has "conservatives" on his Christmas Card list, if he has a list.


scotto: "The big story here is the percentage of Americans so ignorant and sheep-like that they totally buy into it without a thought."

It's always been true, just more so now I think. Mass media has made marketing these people a helluva lot easier. Plenty of books on the matter written in the 1960s.

Here's what I think has changed in addition to that...metastasizing government, so it actually all matters a lot more, more polish to the sales job, and (drum roll) Biden 2020 showed the way to the non-candidate candidate. You can stick any old mental defective in the basement and win a national campaign with proper/highly targeted media. Trump is somewhat old school with the big-ass tent revival shtick, while Kamala's handlers are going to play it out on the internet and television. OTOH, the Democrats have gone all old-timey by putting forth a candidate chosen in a meeting room somewhere, like the good ol' days.

Of course, the fact that the average voter spends a dozen hours a day looking at the cell phone has changed all this. It isn't just the programmability of the people, but the mental illness that comes with. The people driving the Democratic donkey come from a population that extends far above the rest of the country in terms of anxiety disorders, OCD, and other hobgoblins of the mind.

Don Bessee

He would know -



Scott O

Gregory - "Like "Chickens for KFC".

LOL - I had thought about that one but was ready to hit 'post' so I didn't.

Don Bessee

The honeymoon is over -



Don Bessee


He also cites a 2019 incident after testifying on Meta's behalf at the Senate and the House. He recalls, "at the time, I still believed the mainstream idea that Democrats were all about serving the People. However, I was shocked to learn that, for the most part, Republicans cared more deeply about their constituents, while Democrats, in my experience, cared more about government power and control."

The former PayPal president posited, "this trend of spinning and manufacturing a parallel reality to serve the Dem agenda, solidified by complicit mainstream media, hit home with the Hunter Biden laptop story, the coordinated vilification of President Trump and his followers, and President Biden’s cognitive decline — depriving voters of a voice in a proper primary. These examples displayed the hubris of the current Dem leadership."

"You must think the American people are fools to believe the spin on these issues. I despise this elite vs. general population ideology viscerally. This version of the Democratic Party is sidelining moderates and centrists and has adopted an increasingly leftist ideology," wrote Marcus.

David Marcus is aligned with Trump on technology innovations like crypto and AI as well as foreign policy--especially the Middle East. Marcus opined, "on Iran, this administration is continuing a misguided Obama-era plan to bring Iran closer to the West by unfreezing Trump-era sanctions, thus giving the Mollahs’ regime the ability to fund terrorism and pursue its anti-America, anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish agenda."

"I believe we need a President who is unequivocally pro: America, the Constitution, business, Bitcoin/crypto, innovation, Israel, small government, legal immigration, free speech, meritocracy, and common sense — and anti: regulatory proliferation, illegal immigration, unjust wars, Iran’s current regime, and domestic groups that oppose American values."



Don Bessee

The hyena is standing on a foundation of sand say the lefty youngins -



Real MAGA Wives of SCOTUS

Trump's NABJ interview...Trump is toast.

Trump says they asked him mean and rude questions.

What an ass!

Don Bessee

No foolio he only said that about the 1st q from the abc one. Gee not even a weird reference, didnt you get your talking points for lefties today?

If you actually watched it the crowd of jurnos were listening respectfully and there were positive responses to a lot he said.

When will the hyena do a news conference? NEVER! LOL


Paul Emery

Election polls have turned blue! Check this out. Well done Trump. You are a gift to the Dems.



So where's my "I stand corrected" Punch?


"The July 2024 Daily Kos/Civiqs Poll asked 1,123 registered voters in the United States about the 2024 presidential election, Kamala Harris, J.D. Vance, and how voters are thinking about the issue of abortion."

"Daily Kos" did a poll? Really, Paul???? One poll???? One slanted poll????

Paul Emery

You will stand corrected if you deny supporting Trump fish. Do you or do you not support Trump for President. Yes or no.


psul leans up from his damp BarcaLounger and opines:

"Election polls have turned blue! Check this out. Well done Trump. You are a gift to the Dems."

Looking at Real Clear Politics, the average poll is Trump +1.2

Slightly better than the July 27, slightly worse than July 28.

For God's sake psul, is that our fate for the next few months? Every time there's a sliver of good news for the cat ladies you're going to run to your keyboard and chair? I would suggest that you buy an F-150 and sign up for welding school, that estrogen needs a flush.

I do like the concept of a 'Daily Kos' poll though. It's like running around panting about the newest John Birch Society poll.

This makes a lot of sense to me:

"Rise of Kamala Harris solidifies Dems’ full embrace as the party of ‘preachy females,’ scolding shrews"


psul: "Do you or do you not support Trump for President. Yes or no."

Huh. I thought that your good friend Real MAGA Wives of SCOTUS said:

"Somebody has been watching "A Few Good Men" too much."

You guys need to get your stories straight.

me: "psul, Do you or do you not think Admiral Levine is a woman. Yes or no."


Posted by: Weasel Emery | 01 August 2024 at 01:15 PM

I could explain my position to you but I won't....you'd have to read something.....and you don't do that!

More importantly it has been conclusively demonstrated that you are a weasel!


Harrisnomics......hows that working out for you?

Intel - 15% or around 17,500+


Paul Emery


You will stand corrected if you state you do not support Trump for election. If you support Trump that means you also support JD Vance for VP.


Posted by: Weasel Emery | 01 August 2024 at 01:51 PM

You will stand corrected if you state you do not support Trump for election. If you support Trump that means you also support JD Vance for VP.

Won't be indulging your cowardice old man.


"Civiqs is an online opinion polling and data analytics company founded by Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas in March 2018.[1] It is a division of Kos Media, which Moulitsas also founded. The director of Civiqs is Drew Linzer.[2] It is distinguished from other online polling firms by the large number of respondents to its polls, which it has recruited from across the United States through an online panel and asks questions on a daily basis. This allows Civiqs to monitor trends in public opinion over short periods of time, as well as across different demographic and geographic categories.[3]"

It's a fake polling company. Made to order.


Given her tendency for ducking and weaving (evasion) I can see the Weasel liking Harris even more than he liked President Brainstem.

Kamala ignores questions after reading a very brief statement directly from her binder.

She hasn't taken a single question — no interviews nor press conferences — since she forced Biden off the ballot.

Kindred spirits!


Paul Emery

Do you support Trump for election fish? I will state here that I support Harris for President. Where do you stand on the Presidential election fish ?


Posted by: Weasel Emery | 01 August 2024 at 02:38 PM

Do you support Trump for election fish? I will state here that I support Harris for President. Where do you stand on the Presidential election fish ?

I'm not haggling over presidential candidates with you Weasel.....you were mistaken when you claimed that I supported Vance. You told me to show you where you were wrong and I did.....twice! You were given an opportunity to correct that mistake but instead you chose to bob and weave "Emery Style" for the past three days! This is almost as bad as during the Summer of Floyd riots where it took you nearly a week to acknowledge that the Antifa types who kicked some poor proned out bastard in the head while he was face down in the street were wrong to do so! Had you just admitted you made a mistake this would have been over three days ago and nobody would have remembered it a day later....instead there is an entire comment trail that you've left in your wake that confirms beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are just a remarkably world class fucking weasel!


Punchy, do you support the cacklers avoiding questions?


"The woke revolution is a coup against merit."

Bret Weinstein on X.


psul: "I will state here that I support Harris for President."

Is Admiral Levine the same gender as Harris? Yes or no.

Paul Emery

Don't know or care scenes. Why is that important?

Paul Emery

Who are the "cacklers" Gregory? Send their names. I don't know who you're talking about.

Paul Emery

Fish, all you have to say is you don't support Trump for President. A vote for Trump is a vote for Vance as well which is a sign of support. Yes or no-Trump for President???


There is a person central to this discussion who "cackles". Guess.

[cue Final Jeopardy theme]


"Is Admiral Levine the same gender as Harris? Yes or no."

A beautiful formulation of a question Punch doesn't want to answer.


Posted by: Weasel Emery | 01 August 2024 at 03:46 PM

Fish, all you have to say is you don't support Trump for President. A vote for Trump is a vote for Vance as well which is a sign of support. Yes or no-Trump for President???

No, no, no.... no endless repetition of questions. No "All you have to say"....! No nagging like a woman.

You're a weasel....might as well just accept it.


psul:"Don't know or care scenes. Why is that important?"

So you won't tell us what you think? So why do you expect anyone to tell you what they think?

I realize it's a no-win situation.

If you say Admiral Levine is a woman, you are lying, because any sane person knows he's a man.
If you say Admiral Levine is a man, all of your good friends abandon you as an apostate.

You are living a lie. What a hoot.

Don Bessee

Not just a skeleton in the closet but a whole graveyard -

Flashback: Harris fumed at Americans for saying 'Merry Christmas' before illegal migrants got protections



Don Bessee

Yes they did! =

Katie Couric says Democrats have 'kind of lost' working class votes, urges party to 'do better'



Don Bessee

Situational ethics she has -

Indian-Americans are sounding off on Vice President Kamala Harris’ alleged attempts to downplay her Indian heritage in favor of her Jamaican side of the family.

Less than a week ago, as Harris entered the presidential race, the New York Times wrote that the vice president’s Indian heritage is “little advertised.” Harris, with an Indian mother and black Jamaican father, has long been touted as a historic figure breaking glass ceilings. But some Indian-Americans told the Caller they feel Harris’ Indian identity is highlighted only when it’s “convenient” for her.




"...don't shoot him, it will just make him mad..."

Mongo or DJT?

Paul Emery

Here's a picture of Kamala's dad. Any further questions? I guess Trump never thought to look for this before opening his mouth. Typical Trump talk. All mouth no brains.

"So I don't know, is she Indian or is she Black? Trump continued. "But you know what, I respect either one, but she obviously doesn't, because she was Indian all the way, and then all of a sudden she made a turn, and she went - she became a Black person."

Here's a photo of her dad:


George Rebane

Paul 1051am - Isn't the whole point of Kamala's advertised blackness to put her in the aggrieved identity class of those whose ancestors were America's slaves??? That membership is supposed to somehow make us feel as if she is owed some additional consideration beyond those today whose ancestors were not slaves in the US. All evidence indicates that this was not the case. As a liberal what are your thoughts on this?


Her father's family owned slaves in Jamaica.
Not African American. Jamaican.


" Isn't the whole point of Kamala's advertised blackness"

I spent a couple of minutes looking at news from 20+ years ago.

She was almost always 'Caribbean' and they did push the Indian angle harder. I think that 'black' polls well right now so there you go. Trump is obviously referring to the fact that she'll choose ethnicity as needed to make the sale. Obama sure didn't push the fact that his mother looked like an Irish scullery maid.

Dad divorced when she was seven, took off before that. Marxist. Looks like a good launch point for catlady-land, but it's hard to tell.

Almost certainly her attachment to Western Civ is essentially nil, but that suits the US Left just fine.

I agree that she's going to pick up some votes by broadcasting her racial background, it's a helluva way to run a railroad. Maybe Paul is voting for her because she's female, but then he can't tell us if Admiral Levine is a female so maybe he's unclear on the concept. Maybe some diagrams might be in order.

as an aside, I'm starting to think that coming from a single-parent household should make you ineligible to be President. Maybe a new Amendment.


Ms Kamala speaks:


"Not African American. Jamaican."

Just looking at Paul's picture, it's hard to say what the ethnicity is there. No doubt Paul can 'just tell' when someone is 'black'.

Maybe he uses some sort of one-drop rule. Jamaica seems like a complicated place.


"Kamala nominated today by "virtual vote" without having placed a single policy position anywhere on her website. Just a personal bio, fundraising solicitations, and merch. She really is a "historic" candidate -- historic in the shocking lack of scrutiny she's been subjected to."

- Michael Tracey on X


Try not to enjoy this....it comes from a non-weasel approved source.

Childless cat ladies for Kamala.

I saw it so now you have to.



Speaking of cat ladies, I just ran into this one. Gotta love how things really work behind the curtain.

https://advisor.morganstanley.com/the-brisbane-group (Maria Brisbane)

is the domestic partner of

https://www.baldwin.senate.gov/ (Tammy Baldwin)

But, not being married, no need to do any disclosures.

I just assume that people are crooked as all get-out, the problem is that the pot of money available is so much larger than in the 18th and 19th centuries.


OK, so just who is Josh Shapiro and why should he be VP? Paul?


In which Kunstler proposes a counter coup....

She-Whose-Turn-It-Is will not be denied! The pussy-hats come out again. The patriarchy runs for its life. . . .

...hilarity ensues!



lol. This explains a lot.

From the WSJ:

"The cable news audience is even older, with MSNBC’s median age at 70, Fox News’s at 69 and CNN’s, 67. "

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