George Rebane
As part of its overall evil intents for the future of America, the Democratic Party is comprised of the copious material liars on our political landscape. Almost every pronouncement by their minions is refuted by the government’s own statistics ranging from inflation, the economic impact of the recent tax cuts, to border security. However, their lies about climate change, upon which to base adoption of their destructive public policies, are almost certainly the most harmfully impactive on our quality of life.
In today’s WSJ internationally recognized climate researcher Bjorn Lomborg, of the Copenhagen Consensus and Stanford’s Hoover Institution, writes ‘Polar Bears, Dead Coral and Other Climate Fictions’ in which he outlines some of the major lies that persist in the public mind through the daily efforts of Democrats, their lamestream media, and progressives in general. Some examples –
- There is no extinction danger to polar bears. Since hunting them has stopped, their populations have surged.
- Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is not being killed by rising temperatures, but instead has recovered itself to new record levels since the hurricane that damaged it in 2009.
- Small Pacific islands are not being swamped by rising sea levels, but instead are increasing in area due to natural processes involving the dynamics of old coral.
- “Killer heat wave” deaths are being misrepresented by a factor of 25. Their death rate has actually declined worldwide due to the rising prosperity provided by technology. Cold kills 25 times more Americans, and that due mainly to our country’s climate policy boosted high energy costs.
Activists do the world a massive disservice by refusing to acknowledge facts that challenge their intensely doom-ridden worldview. There is ample evidence that man-made emissions cause changes in climate, and climate economics generally finds that the costs of these effects outweigh the benefits. But the net result is nowhere near catastrophic. The costs of all the extreme policies campaigners push for are much worse. All told, politicians across the world are now spending more than $2 trillion annually—far more than the estimated cost from climate change that these policies prevent each year.
Telling half-truths while piously pretending to “follow the science” benefits activists with their fundraising, generates clicks for media outlets, and helps climate-concerned politicians rally their bases. But it leaves all of us poorly informed and worse off.
Nothing will convince warming belibers until a cooling hits.
People exhorting people who also never took a real science class to follow the science is idiots leading idiots. Them activists are functioning as high priests, not scientists.
Posted by: Gregory | 01 August 2024 at 12:29 PM
All you need to know about climate hysteria are a few facts:
The biggest gas bags running their mouths about CO2 output always fly around the world at their leisure when ever they want in corporate or private jets while they tell you to limit the number of trips you take on commercial jets.
The wealthy climate hysteria freaks seem to have no end of huge mansions often next to that ocean that is supposed to swamp their multi million dollar properties.
The same people telling you to limit your electrical usage by unplugging your phone charger when it's not in use also tell you to go buy an electric car.
Posted by: Scott O | 01 August 2024 at 05:06 PM