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29 August 2024



The prudent wager is no wager at all.

George Rebane

Gregory 458pm - Au contraire Gregory. I assess and make prudent wagers daily in the security markets (have done so successfully for years), and so do many other investors. But if your point is that of the all the wagers being made, very few are prudent, then I agree with you.

Scott O

I believe Gregory was referring to the idea of wagering on the outcome of the Nov pres election.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
The security markets are far more rational as something to risk your money on. More like playing poker than the slots.
There are so many moving parts involved in this coming election and we have already seen the near miss of what some are capable of in their desperation.
I would expect in the coming weeks to see stunts that would be unimaginable just a few years ago by a certain political party. They have openly stated they will do anything and everything to stop Trump and I have yet to hear of any limits to what these actions might be.

George Rebane

The best bets are made when you can make your head and heart fly in tight formation.

Scott O

My head and my heart (gut) say hang on tight.
We're in for a rough flight.

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