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25 August 2024



A headline that doesn't surprise me:

"White Critical Race Theory darling Robin DiAngelo accused of plagiarizing minority authors in her doctoral thesis
Dozens cases of passing off others’ work as her own were discovered."

I just mention it since she is one of those few cases where a writer has caused genuine damage to the world.

It doesn't happen very often, but when it does....


Now here's a nice little story.

"After engineer and data scientist Kim Brooks worked on cleaning the voter rolls in Georgia for a year, she realized she was on a stationary bicycle. She’d clear a name for various reasons, dead, felon, stolen ID, living at a seasonal campground for twenty years, duplicate, moved out of state, 200 years old, etc., and back it would come within a month. At that juncture she realized that a program within the Georgia voter registration database was methodically adding back fake names...."


Eulogized Hillbilly

Tutti Frutti, oh 'Rudi'

Giuliani sued over luxury condo by Georgia election workers who won $148 million judgment



Eulogized Hillbilly

Lies, more lies, and blatant lies

What is Trump's "Lie Count" up to these days.

Last I heard is was up around 40,000


I had a brilliant idea this morning.

I ran into this on X.


Where good deedsters, probably some combination of the Biden administration and local good deed Christian groups, is moving something like 20k Haitians to a town of under 60k. It's all good of course.

So...in order to show neighborliness and diversity and the like, I was thinking that Grass Valley should offer to take in 8000 or so. It shouldn't be a problem what with the local non-profits etc. Truckee could do the same thing.

How could we organize this? It must be done.

Paul, could we set up a benefit concert to get the ball rolling?

George Rebane

scenes 744am - Careful with such brilliant ideas Mr scenes. There are numerous progressive peabrains in our community who will enthusiastically take you seriously.

Eulogized Hillbilly

Speaking of lies, more lies, and blatant lies along with failed conspiracy theories,

how was din-din with Looney Loomer guys and gals?

Full of lies and hypocrisy you all can believe in?


"Full of lies and hypocrisy you all can believe in?"

That's your specialty, Jeff.

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