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31 August 2024



STEM is a weasel word... if you want to talk about math, physics, chemistry... say Science and Math. Or Math and Science to avoid "S and M" as an abbreviation.

That leaves out biology; if it's green and wiggly, it's something else. STEM was coined about 25 years by social "scientists" to get a handle on women in the sciences.

"Education" folk think everyone can be taught anything, it just takes the right teacher and enough time.
No can do. No, no no.

The Estonian Fox

From the website run by Robert Zimmerman, Aug 31, 2024:


[For 2024] "American private enterprise now leads the rest of the world combined in successful launches 101 to 54, while SpaceX by itself leads the entire world, including American companies 86 to 69.

2024 is now the second year in a row the U.S. rocket industry has completed more than 100 launches, something it could not do for the first three-quarters of a century after Sputnik, when our precious government used NASA to run our entire space program. Now that freedom and capitalism has managed to wrest some control away from NASA, Americans are finally doing what they would have done in the 1960s, had Congress and President Kennedy not stepped in, first requiring all space exploration be run under a “space program” controlled by NASA, and then passing the Communications Satellite Act in 1962 which forbid Americans from running private profit-oriented launches without government participation."

Looks like free-market capitalism (Elon Musk in particular) has propelled (no pun) the US to the forefront on innovation and bottom-line results - while NASA has been pushed to the side. Is the "DEI effect" showing up in NASA STEM recruits? Or is Elon making sure that he employs only those who know 2+3=5? It's nice to see a genuine African-American succeed.

If only our government would realize their limitations and reduce regulations voluntarily, whether for this, or for disallowing Senegalese hair-braiders from becoming licensed.


Here's an interesting list

I remember Keach, ever the booster for K-12 education, was adamant that if he had gotten into one of the colleges at the top of the list, he'd have done just fine and wouldn't have retired with next to no money.

You see, by one theory, the kids just show up and get their fill of smarts.

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