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06 October 2024



Things that go together:

Laurel and Hardy
Stiller and Meara
Burton and Taylor
Simon and Garfunkel
Penn and Teller
Lewis and Martin


Together again on Bill Maher's Club Random podcast, beating Chong's original estimate of when Hell freezes over.

Back to GR's lead, Education is broken in the US. We need to rip teacher certification authority from the state; it belongs to colleges, and anyone with a credible degree from a credible college should be able to teach in a public school without a seal of approval from a Marxian Education department.




Scott O

"Education is broken in the US" - yep, big time.

"anyone with a credible degree from a credible college"

Nice idea but you know it becomes an endless court battle as to what is "credible'.

Evergreen State - hello?

I don't know if it would be feasible, but I would suggest each state can set up their own multi-day test geared to what age level a person wants to teach and in the higher grades geared more heavily towards the subject they would be allowed to teach. It would be written and oral. It would be expensive to set up and then of course the wrong people would always end up doing well and certain folk from "underserved communities" would not. Tough shit. Anyone could apply for the test even if they have no diplomas of any kind. Some diplomas still mean something and some now don't mean a thing. I know - pie-in-the-sky...
But we really do need something better than what we have. It was crap in CA decades ago when our daughter came face to face with just how worthless it was when she started student teaching. Zero discipline in the class room as well as psycho teachers and admin.
She bailed.


Right now, a degree from Harvey Mudd, be it math, chemistry, physics, engineering or computer science, counts less than that Evergreen paper when it comes to teaching K-14.

It really isn't that difficult to fathom, and a state test dreamed up by the rocket scientists at the State dept of Ed will be no better than nothing. Accreditation of the college is what colleges are set up to do.

Scott O

"Accreditation of the college is what colleges are set up to do."

Yes - that's the aim, but sadly some colleges are lunatic asylums run by left-wing zealots.

Every time some one runs a general knowledge test past a sample of college grads, the results are abysmal.


State functionaries are not the ones to be developing competency tests.

Lunatic asylums should lose those accreditations.

Eulogized Hillbilly


"Things that divide us" are only the things that divide you, Trump, MAGA et al.

The 'things' on your list are merely things that are different than you.

It's your problem if you cannot handle someone who speaks a different language.

Don Bessee

@655 You mean like your candidate the hyena? What language does she speak? LOL


Scott O

Hillbilly - "It's your problem if you cannot handle someone who speaks a different language."

Really dude? Is this the level you operate at all the time?
None of us has a "problem" with people merely because they speak a different language.

George is trying to engage with folks here at an adult level. It's pretty clear it's way past your bedtime.

George Rebane

Hillbilly 655pm - You and yours speak a different language than do I and mine. It appears that this blog may be a bit difficult for you.

Don Bessee

And reinforcing my 738 -

Artless Dodger: Harris Flustered in Substance-Free 60 Minutes Interview
'Details are yet to be defined'

Andrew Stiles and Thaleigha Rampersad
October 7, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris went on 60 Minutes and attempted to answer some of the toughest questions she's faced—a low bar—since taking over the Democratic nomination from 81-year-old Joe Biden, who is technically still the president. She was meandering and evasive throughout the interview with Bill Whitaker of CBS News, who had to politely repeat the question on several occasions. There's no telling how confounding Harris's answers must have been in real time. The network's producers saw fit to liberally (and sloppily) edit the conversation. They included a considerable amount of overdubbed editorializing from Whitaker, as if he were translating Harris's remarks into basic English.



Eulogized Hillbilly

Total BS!

Those so called divisions only occur in an ossified cranium where everything is seen as black and white.

I still stand by my claim that those are differences, not necessarily divisions.

Scott O

Hillbilly - "Those so called divisions only occur in an ossified cranium where everything is seen as black and white."

OK - should the fed govt be "forgiving" student loans wholesale as Biden has been doing?

Is a fetus in a human woman a human life?

Now - don't be dividing us, bro.

Paul Emery

Blue wave is coming on. Harris leads in every general poll except one.


George Rebane

Hillbilly 614am - Well now, we may be on the verge of having a real conversation with you if you can give us your definitions for 'differences' and 'divisions'. Reading yours, I will reciprocate.


If Jeff P wanted a real conversation, he'd not be hiding behind that silly nom d'net.

Barry Pruett

George. Your list of what unites us are simply things we do. The division list of items are the things that determine worldview and ideology. Worldviews can be regional and can overlay separate political boundaries similar to how the Jewry was a society within a society prior to Hitler. Hitler used the different worldviews to blame the Jews for WWI and its aftermath among those who shared hitler’s ideology and demonized Jews until Hitler got 30 something percent of the vote. Hitler didn’t need more than 50% of any vote in order to take power because generally speaking in society half of the people just go along to get along and don’t get involved in these cultural and ideological battles. Authoritarians use ideology to whip up a minority crowd of disaffected individuals for purposes of imposition of its ideology. Authoritarians also use censorship and threats violence to keep the 50% inline. Authoritarians know that they can never convince the other 20% so they kill them. Time after time. Ideology is very dangerous and often warps away from the truth. If our society strives for anything other than Truth (big T) eventually the mob who strives for untruth erases the common history and ends up murdering the other group.

Lessons learned from early modern Europe until today.

Barry Pruett

Can’t find Truth without much contemplation, massive amounts of reading, and most importantly, humility.

Barry Pruett

Eulogized Hillbilly at 06:14 AM: "Those so-called divisions only occur in an ossified cranium where everything is seen as black and white." Indeed.


Jeff's ossified cranium supports the winning v. losing dichotomy.

Scott O

Barry - "...are the things that determine worldview and ideology."

Maybe. I think world view and ideology more often lead to one's specific opinions and actions as they relate to what divides us. They will intertwine to an extent.
There have been numerous studies on personality types of conservatives vs left wingers.

A lot of the hyper division these days comes from the left's headlong rush into insanity.
Only a decade ago, Dems and Rs would totally agree a grown man has no business waving his junk around in a locker room full of underage girls. He would be arrested. A pervert. Now look where we are. The Dems have "progressed" into outer space telling us he's allowed to because he "identifies" as a woman.

George Rebane

While waiting for Hillbilly's response to my 932am. As longtime readers may remember, I continue to define and use 'ideology' in the formal sense as "n. A structured and communicable belief system that in its best expression is composed of tenets defendable by and malleable to reason. Ideologue – a person who is willing to communicate his ideology." (cf. RR Glossary) Its current unthinking use as a pejoriative is another example in the decline of our once beautiful language.

Barry 1120am - "Your list of what unites us are simply things we do." Indeed, and so it was simply meant to be. Starting with VDH, I have yet to find anyone who can point to ideological tenets whose definitions we share and practice in common - i.e. tenets that unite us. The tenets that divide us are easy to list and understand.

Barry Pruett

"The tenets that divide us are easy to list and understand." Exactly. Importantly, these dividing tenents are the very tenets authoritarians use to divide and conquer...


The so-called Bastiat Triangle should be dropped. Not an issue for 99 and 44/100% of folks in the USA.

In the US, the issue is (thanks to Locke) Life, Liberty and property or via Jefferson, the equivalent Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.


The so-called Bastiat Triangle should be dropped. Not an issue for 99 and 44/100% of folks in the USA.

In the US, the issue is (thanks to Locke) Life, Liberty and property or via Jefferson, the equivalent Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Don Bessee

Awfully funny how creepy grampa joe / hyena admin always revise figures from the rosy first announcement and the fool from abc fact checking Trump now has egg on his face. Those of us who pay attention knew the report omitted data for the biggest crime cities. LOL -

FBI quietly updates crime data to show big jump in violence under Biden-Harris admin: 'Shocking'
A 2.1% drop in violent crimes in 2022 has now been revised to show a 4.5% increase, crime and data expert John Lott found



George Rebane

Gregory 1230pm - totally disagree; your citations are an insufficient basis for the expansion rights e.g. as in the Constitution.

Don Bessee

And yet it will not generate another vote Michigan. LOL




George, your word salad in response is noted.

Bastiat is a non-entity as far as our Constitution is concerned... we have Locke and Jefferson to thank.

George Rebane

Gregory 1035am - "word salad"??! You sure know how to make friends and influence people.

Bastiat wasn't even born when the Constitution was framed. That has no impact on his being able to deduce the minimal (necessary and sufficient) set of rights that can be shown to be the logical progenitors of those expanded in the Constitution. Such 'after the fact' condensations into simpler and more elegant forms are common throughout the history of science and engineering.


"totally disagree; your citations are an insufficient basis for the expansion rights e.g. as in the Constitution."

Your word salad, sir.

The formulation that Locke had was Life, Liberty and property in the 2nd Treatise, and Jefferson had Life, Liberty and the persuit of happiness in our Declaration of Independence.

That's essentially the same as the "Bastiat Triangle".

But at Rebane's... only Bastiat is mentioned.

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