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03 October 2024


Scott O

"Dockworkers’ union to suspend strike until Jan. 15 to allow time to negotiate new contract"

Pretty clear what went down. The union's thug boss thought he could steamroll management into a quick settlement with a strike and management just calmly pointed out that a strike right now would screw up Christmas sales so bad the entire country would be happy to have the union workers all shot by the end of the year. Not to mention the effect it would have on the election and how "certain" people would not look kindly on that.
"If you know what I mean and I think you do"
Billy Bob
Grapevine TX

Michael R. Kesti

I'm not usually big on conspiracy theories. Still, I can't help but feel that the strike was a manufactured crisis whose temporary resolution is intended to make the current administration appear competent and powerful.

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