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30 December 2024


Resurrected Hillbilly

Oh Dear, trouble in MAGA retirement community,



Oh, dear indeed!

Hillbilly hallucinated MAGA involvement in that story. No mention of Trump, Trumpers GOP or MAGA? At all?


Here's a nice little story.

"...George Soros and his son, Alex, have spent at least $117 million since 2016 to reshape America’s justice system. They’ve been successful: three in 10 Americans now live under a Soros prosecutor.

But the Soroses’ influence doesn’t end on Election Day. After Soros-backed prosecutors take office, the family’s apparatus tells them what to do, documents show.

The Media Research Center obtained nearly 8,000 pages of internal documents through public records laws that show how a Soros-funded group called Fair and Just Prosecution (FJP) “directed Soros prosecutors to manipulate the rule of law concerning illegal immigration, drugs, abortion, election integrity, capital punishment and laws against childhood sex changes.”



OTOH, Trump's Department of Government Efficiency guy, Vivek Ramaswamy, has rather poor business practices, a kind of Elizabeth Holmes vibe.

My money is on the bureaucracy defeating those guys (Musk, Ramaswamy) in any case.

One thing I'm eagerly looking forward to is the first crying child images blasted 'round the world the instant that deportations start.


Bringing you today’s news ….three days ago!

Biden Finally Claims Title Of Worst Living President

….and let’s not forget he is also “The Biggest Political Loser in Modern American History



Wonder why this is….

Teachers Will No Longer Need To Pass Basic Reading, Writing And Math Test For Certification In This Blue State


Scott O

re New Jersey's new law:

"A powerful teachers union, the New Jersey Education Association, was a driving force behind the bill, calling the testing requirement “an unnecessary barrier to entering the profession.”"

Tell me again why we have a federal dept of ed?
And the Dems claim it's the Rs that are against education.

Don Bessee

From your lips to Gods ear -

Palestinian official predicts Trump will 'destroy' Iran, leading to breakdown of remaining Hamas cells: report




It’s a bold strategy Cotton….

We Plan to cut all Homeless People in half by 2025

…..let’s see how it works out for them!


Scott O

fish 9:17 - and folks wonder how Farage is taking votes from the Tories.

Although you could sell tickets and reduce the debt in GB.


They’re surprised…..?

”Early on in his Oval Office tenure, President Joe Biden tasked Vice President Kamala Harris with overseeing a broadband internet program. Her job was to get broadband internet to every American across the country at a cost of $42 billion.”

In September, Republican Senator John Thune exposed the program hadn't connected a single household.

I guess a gal doesn’t always feel like “putting her head down and getting to work” as the 2nd Gentleman so famously said when referring to his wife’s work ethic.



I got my broadband!

Thanks Elon.


We’ll see if this is premature …..

Terror Suspect Reportedly Crossed Biden's Open Border Days Ago To Launch Bourbon Street Massacre

…..but if should do wonders for that already stellar Biden legacy.


Paul Emery


Trump is making a buck by selling clothes with pictures of him and Jesus on them touting divine-intervention-trump-and-jesus. Checn this out:


Don Bessee

So how many did you order ya ol ponytail of ignorance? LOL



re: psul

ummm. It appears to be by someone named Raffaele Guerriero with a company called 'RedTeeHumor'

did you know...people make all kinds of T-shirts for sale

check it out, a Kamala Harris votive candle saying she's a saint.


I was wondering though, is Biden the biggest political loser of all time or Harris? We could design a shirt.

Don Bessee

Thanks 0 and creepy grampa joe for importing jihad -



Paul Emery

The picture in my 5:20 post is a real sick one showing Trump cuddled up in the lap of some Jesus stud. Totally weird for sure. Amazing that he allows such things to be put up for sale without even protesting it. "Jesus" seems to be reaching for Trumps private lower parts with his left hand.

Paul Emery

This one shows Trump kissing Jesus...




Posted by: Paul R. Emery of Nevada City, California | 01 January 2025 at 08:59 PM

“Jesus" seems to be reaching for Trumps private lower parts with his left hand.

Well looking at the image that’s a bit of a stretch but I think
I understand why Mr. Emery desperately wants it to be so.
Again the unusual fascination with male sex organs…..

Interesting….its a little late in life for coming out of the closet but not unheard of! What sent you to Etsy looking for vaguely pornographic images of Jesus? Do you do that often?

Paul Emery

Ever hear of Charismatic Christians For Christ fish? They are the ones promoting this and Trump doesn't attempt tp stop them.


Posted by: Paul R. Emery Christian Porn Aficionado | 01 January 2025 at 09:40 PM

Ever hear of Charismatic Christians For Christ fish? They are the ones promoting this and Trump doesn't attempt tp stop them.

Nope and I doubt the president elect has either! After all he really has much more important things to do like finally having the government track down and arrest people who Joe Biden let in to the country without proper vetting.

Charismatice Christians for Christ Are they where you usually go for your “Stud Jesus” pictures?



So we start with "Trump is making a buck by selling clothes..."

and advance to "Amazing that he allows such things to be put up for sale..."

psul, some advice. You just got your ass handed to you in an election. The President is obviously senile, and everyone is sick of mutilated children, unlimited immigration, military men in dresses, grifty affirmative action. You are on the wrong side of history.

Just wait a bit and the Trump people will do something obviously stupid. An administration is a complicated thing and there are a lot of opportunities for error. Bring 'em up. This t-shirt deal is about as lame as any argument I've every seen.



I see that Liz Cheney, who bears a remarkable resemblance to Grand Admiral Levine, is getting some sort of Presidential Super Duper Freedoms Civilian Medal.

What a piece of work

Paul Emery

So scenes you have no problem with Trump, who is soon to be President, making a buck out of distributed t-shirts showing him cuddling with and trying to kiss Jesus.


"Charismatice Christians for Christ Are they where you usually go for your “Stud Jesus” pictures?"


"I give you... The Buddy Christ. Now that's not the sanctioned term we're using for the symbol, just something we've been kicking around the office, but look at it. Doesn't it... pop? Buddy Christ..."
-Cardinal Glick (George Carlin, "Dogma")


re: psul and his typical tosh.

Is that a fancy way to say 'you have no problem with nastynoodles, a seller on Etsy, making a buck'.

You silly man, do you ever look at your links? Is nastynoodles a friend of yours?

Having said that, we've decided that the Trump Police are going to buy you some of those shirts and force you to wear them. Expect a knock on the door.


Posted by: Paul R. Emery of Nevada City, California | 02 January 2025 at 07:49 AM

So scenes you have no problem with Trump, who is soon to be President, making a buck out of distributed t-shirts showing him cuddling with and trying to kiss Jesus.

Well you’re nothing if not predictable!


"So scenes you have no problem with Trump, who is soon to be President, making a buck out of distributed t-shirts showing him cuddling with and trying to kiss Jesus."

I have a problem with your hallucinating that Trump is behind that website.

Paul Emery


In case you forgot Trump was making money selling Trump endorsed Bibles.


punchy 844a


And what is the linkage... Trump sold a bible for awhile, therefore this t-shirt storefront is Trump's business?


Posted by: Paul R. Emery of Nevada City, California | 02 January 2025 at 08:44 AM

In case you forgot Trump was making money selling Trump endorsed Bibles.

So? I don't seem to recall you whining about President Brainstem and lil Brainstem jr. making millions of the Russians and Chinese!

Paul Emery

You're changing the topic fish.

Trump can stop the sales of his Jesus t-shirts in a day. How can you justify him allowing that?


Posted by: Paul R. Emery of Nevada City, California | 02 January 2025 at 09:12 AM

You're changing the topic fish.

No I’m not…..and even if I were you do it all the time! Usually it involves a cowardly dodge of a question that you can’t or won’t answer!


Trump can stop the sales of his Jesus t-shirts in a day. How can you justify him allowing that?

The same way you justify flogging the music of serial philanderer and abuser of women Leonard Cohen.

…….Hallelujah, Hallelujah!


Punchy, President-Elect Trump isn't selling t-shirts on etsy.

Paul Emery

Show me one case of sexual abuse that has ever been filed against Leonard Cohen fish. Care to compare that with Trumps record?


Posted by: Paul R. Emery of Nevada City, California | 02 January 2025 at 09:52 AM

Again…..predictable as always! Not reading links prevents you from finding unpleasant truths! And lord knows you’d never let anything get in the way of filling the guitar case!


Sexual abuse is criminal.

The lawfare cases have twisted Punchy's mind.

Scott O

Paul - "Trump can stop the sales of his Jesus t-shirts in a day"

First of all, Paul - they're NOT his T shirts.

And could you please explain the legal mechanism for Trump being able to stop the sales of the shirts?

Trump is a public figure. Personally, I see the images as satire.

Maybe wait until the death squads are activated to hunt down and kill his political enemies before complaining.

Paul Emery

Trump made $300,000 selling Trump bibles fish. I mean making a profit off of bibles. My oh my. This guy will do anything to make a buck.



Posted by: Paul Raymond Emery of Nevada City, California |02 January 2025 at 10:29 AM

Trump made $300,000 selling Trump bibles fish. I mean making a profit off of bibles. My oh my. This guy will do anything to make a buck.

Talk about changing the subject Paul Raymond Emery. So what ….$300K is chump change for a guy like Trump. It pales in comparison to the millions that the Biden’s made from the Ukrainians and the Chinese!

In any case Paul Raymond if you don’t want to buy one of Trumps bibles people can get one in a manner similar to how I imagine you got yours….they can just steal one from a motel room courtesy of the Gideons.


I'd forgotten about the Bibles. They're actually Lee Greenwood Bibles that Trump endorsed.

Would have been a good investment I think. They sell for about $100 on eBay now.

"And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I'd gladly stand up next to you
And defend Her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt
I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A."

Probably not a bad time to learn the tune psul. With Trump in office, it'll be your time to shine as a musician.


A quick X update.

The H1B wars continue on. Tech Bros vs. them nasty deplorables. New uproar is about the immigrant rape gangs in the UK, which actually is a pretty heinous thing. I just assume that the ruling class there is in some sort of xenophile endgame where you offer up your daughters to all the nice men.


Punch, the election was nearly two months ago. The baby in the red diaper lost.

Scott O

"I mean making a profit off of bibles. My oh my."

Hilarious - Paul is apparently unaware that there are 100's of Christian book stores and web sites that do that all the time.
Also available on Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.


Wonder where Paul R. Emery went? He seemed so chatty earlier! Maybe he's off researching Leonard Cohen's questionable behavior.....you know....pssst....Bonking!!


So, how do they make money selling bibles in Christian bookstores... they try to sell them for more than what they paid for them?

Well, I never heard of such a thing. Is that how Christians do it?

Oh. My dear I'm sorry... I was confusing Marxism with Christianity, and so was Punchy.

Scott O

Give Paul a break here - he's so used to Dem pols that get wealthy by means that are better to be not discussed.
Obtaining money by honest and free commerce such as Trump does is just too much of a jolt to Paul's delicate system.


Fuck that. Punchy gets back what he deserves.

Don Bessee

Insidious bastards swarm creepy grampa joes swamp -

President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice doled out over $100 million in grants relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion for K-12, a new Parents Defending Education report found.

"To say that the Biden Administration spent money on DEI programs like drunken sailors is an insult to sailors,” Nicole Neily, Parents Defending Education’s president and founder, told the Washington Examiner.

The report released on Thursday comes less than a month after PDE revealed Biden’s Education Department spent over $1 billion on DEI-related grants

Of those grant funds, almost half, $489,883,797.81, went to DEI hiring while over 30%, $343,337,286, went to DEI programming, and another $169,301,221 went to DEI-based mental health and social-emotional learning programs.



Don Bessee

Ya think years of lies even before creepy grampa joe are why no one watches anymore? -



Don Bessee

Good for them!




We can only take this as acknowledgement that the denizens of DC are incapable of successfully managing this very simple traffic maneuver!

Right turns on red now banned at all DC intersections...

And yet there is a subset of the population desperate to have them do all their thinking for them!



Oh Newt....from "Brash Outsider" to utter failure to grateful cog in the DC System.....

Gingrich Rages Against House Republicans: 'Suicidally Stupid'...

Just go away you useless piece of shit!


Don Bessee

A DEI hire drops the ball bigly, what isis flag? Nothing like an agent with a nose ring lying their ass off -



Don Bessee

Talk about dodging a bullet -

VP Harris mocked for flubbing opening line of Pledge of Allegiance: 'What an embarrassment'
One stunned user remarked, 'Tens of millions of Democrats voted for this woman to be president just weeks ago…



Scott O

fish 3:21 - Newt seemed to be solid until he had control and then the Rs totally fumbled the ball away.
Or something else. I don't think it's corruption as much as what Hoover discovered as he climbed the ladder of power.
Dirty laundry.


Who got the 'Presidential Medal of Freedom' from Biden?

Soros and Hillary got the 'Presidential Medal of Freedom'.

roflmao. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.


Posted by: scenes | 04 January 2025 at 06:20 AM

Who got the 'Presidential Medal of Freedom' from Biden?
Soros and Hillary got the 'Presidential Medal of Freedom'.
roflmao. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

….and here I thought you were kidding.

The Estonian Fox

"FBI declines to say whether it will fire, discipline agent who said attack was 'not a terrorist event'"

Name of the agent - Alethea Duncan - yeah, a young black woman. Chance of her being let go - zero. They would lose 2 DEI points if she were sent elsewhere.

On a lighter side, with the proper cryptographic transformation of the letters of her name, it becomes an anagram for "incompetent". She was relieved of her MAGA hat though. You know, Make Alethea Great Again. That hat.

Resurrected Hillbilly

So funny everyone is going 'hair on fire' over some premature comments by officials in Louisiana.

It is the DEEP STATE at work!lol


"Looking forward to Biden giving the Presidential Medal of Freedom (posthumously) to Pol Pot and Count Dracula."

JD Vance on X

Scott O

"It is the DEEP STATE at work!lol"

No - it's the incompetent DEI hires at work.

Don Bessee

What you get when you dei hire a failure from oakland -



Scott O

It sure is swell the gub-mint rooted out all them white supremacists, 'hard core' Christians, and other flag-waving Constitutionalists from the military. They were scary.
Adherents of the Religion Of Peace get the free pass to make our military diverse. Yippee!


Don Bessee

Another one bites the dust -



Don Bessee

The dumb get dumber, who wants teachers who cannot read or write? DEI acolytes thats who, sure lets have ignorant fools as teachers but, but, but dei! Cry the stupidest of them all -

New Jersey ends basic reading and writing skills test requirement for teachers
The New Jersey Education Association called the test requirement a 'barrier' for educators




"Had this election not been won by @realDonaldTrump, civilization would be lost"

- Elon Musk on X

I think there's more than a little truth to that.


Hasn't America suffered enough.....,

Biden to deliver two major speeches in his final days in office

On a good day Paul R. Emery's of Nevada City, California's Man of Integrity is unlistenable......make him all pouty and whiny after being shown the door.....no thanks!



good idea.



"Trump Jr makes surprise visit to Greenland
A source told Euractiv that a meeting between Trump Jr and the Greenlandic premier was possible."

- Euractiv.com

There is absolutely nothing the Orange Man cannot do.

Stolen Valor

Jan. 6

A Day That Will Live in Infamy


Just can't get over the country being past that, eh?

Paul Emery


Do you think those rioters who are visibly filmed beating the crap out of police on Jan 6 2021 should be pardoned?




Don Bessee

Oh look what crawled out from under the bed @801 LOL

Its only going to get worse for your ilk, it started today, well before that just ask former prime minister dreamy haw the bad orange man has already changed the world for the better!


Scott O

"visibly filmed"

Are there other kinds?

We all remember Paul being incensed when the rioters attacked the police during the "summer of love" in Portland and Seattle.


Did the FBI go on a years long man hunt looking for those rioters?
Equal and proportionate justice is all I ask for.


"Do you think those rioters who are visibly filmed beating the crap out of police on Jan 6 2021 should be pardoned?"

That's it? roflmao. That guy is either an FBI agent or has been in a federal cell for four years. If that's 'beating the crap out of' you were never a boxer.

I'd pardon the whole bunch of them, this is getting ridiculous.

Time to go after the embedded agents who were driving on the crowds, Ms. Cheney and anybody else who withheld evidence, Adam Schiff on general principles. It's a lot harder to truly erase records than it used to be, too many copies, and there's plenty o'dirt to be dug up.

Saving Western Civilization was never going to be straightforward or 100% on-target, but it is what it is. The Child Abuse Party is still pretty powerful.

There is nothing the Orange Man cannot do.

Elon appears to be on to saving the UK, so that should be interesting.

Turn about is fair play and there's no point in 'fairness' anymore.


Of course, speaking of pardons:

"Biden admin releases 11 Yemeni detainees with suspected al Qaeda ties from Guantanamo Bay — including two alleged former bin Laden bodyguards"


it's part of that 'honorable' thing that Biden does so well.

In the meantime, Zuck bends the knee.

long version: https://x.com/esaagar/status/1876612227807236310

short: https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1876606147903496277


plus, bonus footage, Don Jr. in Greenland. I'm assuming he brought his checkbook.



"Turn about is fair play and there's no point in 'fairness' anymore."

Now, having said that, you can certainly make a case for an exchange of hostages.

For example, let go of the small handful of overly rowdy J6 rioters, while not sending a bunch of government brass to jail. We'd all be better off without the drama. Go ahead and pardon Liz Cheney.

Paul Emery

So according to scenes, Scott and Bessee it's ok to smash through locked doors, beat the police with clubs and flagpoles whie chanting "hang Pence", the Vice President. Did each of you watch the link I provided?


"Did each of you watch the link I provided?"


Why would I watch a link of yours?

To be fair, four people did die at the Capitol that day.

begone, silly troll man.

Paul Emery

So you're saying scenes that you would have no problem with a crowd smashing the doors and storming through you're house and that they would deserve to be pardoned.



No, I'm saying you're a silly troll man, plus the biggest political loser in history.


on an unrelated matter, I had to laugh at a description of H5N1. Somebody just died of it and it came up on my news feed.

Desiring to be up on this, I looked up the symptoms.

mostly: some combination of cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fever, and tiredness,

of course -

common cold: some combination of cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fever, and tiredness
flu: some combination of cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fever, and tiredness
COVID: some combination of cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fever, and tiredness
Whooping cough: some combination of cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fever, and tiredness, and then awful

whooping cough, at least, is followed by weeks of awfulness after the part that's indistinguishable.

It's funny how little forward motion there is in easy identification or treatment of any of this. Super hard problem I suppose. At least the viral ones.


Posted by: Paul R. Emery of Nevada City, California | 07 January 2025 at 07:17 AM

So you're saying scenes that you would have no problem with a crowd smashing the doors and storming through you're house and that they would deserve to be pardoned.


Yes Paul Paymond….I would be perfectly fine if someone smashed through “you are” house.

How goes the Leonard Cohen research…..?


Posted by: Paul Raymond Emery of Nevada City, California | 07 January 2025 at 06:43 AM

Did each of you watch the link I provided?

Did you?


for Mr. Fish.

The Burn of the Day.



Sure Zuck…..whatever you say.

'Fact-Checkers Too Politically-Biased' - Zuckerberg Abandons Facebook Censorship For X-Like Community Notes

I imagine the minute another censorious Democrat is in the Whitehouse and needs protection from “bad think” this policy will vanish like a fart in the wind!


Click the link if only to see a billionaire look like a Jewish Hippie from the 60’s!


To quote one of the few Brits remaining whose opinion I might care about…….

UK-US 'Special Relationship' Under Threat Due To Musk's "Incendiary" Rhetoric On Grooming Gangs; BBC Claims

……”Oh no! Anyway……”.



Who wears it better…..

Zuck - https://x.com/BasedBeffJezos/status/1876602383754789079?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1876602383754789079%7Ctwgr%5E8ad3bf6ae7fb83629e9f49ffb45c43c822bd79d4%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zerohedge.com%2Ftechnology%2Fzuckerberg-nukes-facebook-fact-checkers-favor-community-notes-following-musks-lead-x

Or Howard? https://shorturl.at/ZdHBS


Influenza is a serious disease that kills many people every year.

Not just H5N1.

On a different subject, if it would stop Punchy's silliness, I would be good with Trump pardoning all J6 folk as his first act upon finishing the oath of orifice.


"On a different subject, if it would stop Punchy's silliness, I would be good with Trump pardoning all J6 folk as his first act upon finishing the oath of orifice."

My sincere hope is that seconds after he takes the oath of office, he snaps his fingers, and all the flags nationally go to full mast.

What a cool piece of showmanship that would be. Maybe have Hulk Hogan run the halyard.

Hope returns to America.


Talk about chumming for Emery….

Donald Trump's Worldwide Election

That’s the mostich Paul Raymond bait evah!



I can do without Hulk Hogan being involved. Sorry Hulksters.


The 'Gulf of America' does have a nice ring to it.

The winning never stops.


This is for Punch!



"Residents in the Greenland capital of Nuuk wear MAGA hats and listen to a message from Donald Trump. Donald Trump, Jr. is currently touring the country."


Somewhere there's a MAGA hat with Paul's name on it. Redemption arcs are real.


The Orange Man…….

Outcry as Arizona tattoo shop inks girl, 9, who wanted picture of Trump on her neck

…….his fans are legion!


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