George Rebane
The lopsided lamestream fesses up – not quite. Those of us not restricted to lamestream media news have always had a more complete picture of what’s going on in the country and the world. Not so for our leftwing friends. But now that the election is over and there is nothing to be gained by more lies and omissions that favor the Democrats, the major left-leaning outlets – broadcast, print, online – are starting to fill in their audiences on what has really been going on since 2016. Led by no less than the NYT, its readers are, for example, finally informed that the millions of illegal aliens who have entered and been loosened in our land has really been due to the border and immigration policies of the Biden/Harris administration. National columnist Jason Riley fills you in (here) on some more revelations currently being introduced to the dedicated Democrat cadres across the land. Managed ignorance has always been the forte of socialists worldwide, and in many ways we in America have perfected it. But don’t hold your breath that this is an enduring epiphany with the lamestream; it’ll be back to business as usual before you know it.
Leftwing universities identified by the Left. Here’s another awakening going on with our left-leaning thought leaders. Prominent columnists of the Left like William Galston are writing revelatory essays such as ‘Higher Education Is in Trouble’ in the 18dec24 WSJ, coming right out and saying “schools should curtail DEI and stop taking political sides.” He admits that “higher education in the U.S. faces a crisis: Its credibility is under attack. The public is increasingly skeptical of university-trained experts and the test-score-based meritocracy that dominates America’s upper middle class.” But note that he doesn’t specify that only the leftwing upper middle class has been skeptical about testing – the rightwingers of all classes have long been and continue to be supporters of meritocratic metrics. Galston also has a jaundiced view of the relevant history he claims that led to politicized leftwing universities – the listed faults are all attributable to Republican policy failures. To his credit, Galston does conclude with three useful prescriptions starting with, “First, they should get their houses in order. They should end mandatory DEI statements for faculty and staff candidates. They should adopt the principle of institutional neutrality … (and) while defending free speech, they should act firmly against activities that impede core academic functions such as teaching, learning and hosting speakers with a range of views.”
California’s continuing war against privately owned cars advances another notch. The legislature is pushing through AB413 which will make it illegal to park within 20 feet of a crosswalk. You’re supposed to believe it’s for “public safety”. It’s real purpose is to remove thousands of parking spaces from our cities and towns, making an already bad situation worse. For example, San Francisco will lose 14,000 parking spaces, and about 100,000 statewide. Californians keep voting for “busybodies (who) want people walking, biking, scooting, or bussing — anything but driving their own cars to their own destinations on their own schedules.” (more here)
Twisted Logic from Twisted Minds (updated 1oct24)
Just as you don't find eagles living in the ocean or fish living on mountain tops, so you don't find leftists concentrated where their ideas have to stand the test of performance. Thomas Sowell
George Rebane
The appearance of the enthusiastic MAGA proponent Laura Loomis at tonight’s Republican fund raiser dinner continues to draw fire from our local Left. I reported on the onset of this firestorm of censorship in the previous Scattershots (here). More should be said as the howls from our socialist neighbors continue unabated. In today’s 28sep24 Union we have a double header in the form of a letter from Grass Valley resident Jacob Kolb (here), and a pile on from local leftwing cartoonist Bob Crabb shown nearby.
Mr Kolb goes on to advise our Board of Supervisors to get into the fray by “publicly affirming” that the Board “does not endorse Loomer’s rhetoric, showing that we understand the dangers of misinformation.” In the process our county government should promote “truth and inclusivity” by opposing “political factions” that “represent a small minority.” Oh my, does that not put an additional burden on our elected leaders to now become the arbiter and would be censors of what they consider “misinformation and hate speech” by their constituents?
If such declarations become a new standard of proscribing political speech for the BoS, then by extending Kolb’s logic should not ALL Democrat public pronouncements also be greeted with “strong messages” against “harmful ideologies” as assessed by our so-called non-partisan elected leaders? Every Democrat who opens their mouth on a public podium repeats their egregious lies about ‘secure borders’, ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’, Hunter’s laptop hoax, Trump’s inflation legacy, the glories of Bidenomics, criminality of illegal aliens (see recent release of Dem cover-up here, here, and here), and on and on.
Kolb begins his letter with the Voltaire misattribution, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” From the Left’s outcry of the last few days, it is clear their willingness to die is at best a one-sided commitment.
[1oct24 update] The more desperate minions of the local Left took it up another notch on letting everyone know that they are a post-constitutional bunch cum mob demanding the silencing of voices with which they disagree. The 1oct24 Union features a pictorial under the heading ‘Crowds gather to protest Loomer visit’ (here). The local Republican Party turned tail and ran, moving the Loomis speaking event to an undisclosed location. Their ‘duck and cover’ policy missed a perfect opportunity to highlight the planned demonstration by the mini-minded to once more illustrate that the Left opposes the First Amendment, among others. And to put a ribbon on it, our indefatigable leftwing columnist George Boardman must needs add his shoulder to the wheel on the matter (here). Perhaps the BoS can settle such future vetting problems by establishing the Nevada County Commissariat on Public Speakers.
Posted at 11:57 AM in Agenda 21, Culture Comments, Current Affairs, Great Divide, Nevada County, The Liberal Mind | Permalink | Comments (89)
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