[This piece was published in the op-ed section of the 4sep24 Union as one of their Other Voices columns (here).]
George Rebane
Since ‘smarts’ and ‘poor’ don’t always correlate well, the financially burdened will again suffer the most if and when Kamalanomics kicks in and amplifies the terrible mistakes of Bidenomics. From the Democrats’ published record Kamalanomics is a socialist-ingrained misinterpretation of economics that views wealth creation as a zero sum game in which businesses, entrepreneurs, and the wealthy are characterized as “corporate monopolists” and “oligarchs” – in short, they only take money from the middle and lower income classes which must then be forcefully redistributed by government.
As President Obama assured the country’s successful entrepreneurs who do create wealth and provide jobs for the rest of us, “if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.” For our progressives it is always the wise and munificent hand of government that actually does the business building and job creation. Absent government intervention, to our leftwing all else is “trickle-down economics” where some wealth eventually and grudgingly dribbles down an uneven playing field to those less fortunate. And, of course, the playing field must then be continuously leveled to “grow the middle class out” through still more laws, regulations, fees and higher taxes on the wealth creators to insure that the “greedy billionaires” and “well-heeled” pay their “fair share” in amounts known only to government bureaucrats. The inevitable result is that everyone’s cost of living goes up and quality of life diminishes. Check the government data on the impact of Bidenomics over the last 3.5 years.
The exact opposite happened under President Trump according to the Dept of Commerce and IRS. His deregulation measures and tax cuts resulted in very low inflation and gave rise to 70% faster real wage growth that specifically benefitted our Hispanics and blacks as compared to Obama’s eight years of government-shackled historically slow growth. However, during Democrat administrations the prime beneficiaries of job growth are new legions of government workers who in the large add sand into the gears of the nation’s commerce and GDP growth. Biden’s claimed recent creation of 15 million jobs overwhelmingly consists of government hires and those of the inevitable recovery from rebounding COVID job shutdowns.
Now on the road to “happiness and joy” President Harris promises to control inflation under Kamalanomics through policies such as:
- National price controls on goods and services that inevitably result in shortages, distribution disruptions, and lower quality goods and services;
- Nationalized (single payer) healthcare – unsustainable wherever practiced while reducing access and services;
- A 66% increase in corporate taxes always paid for by customers through higher prices and by workers with lower wage gains;
- Capital gains tax will increase to income tax levels (39%+) that will inhibit and distort America’s investment landscape;
- Destruction of small businesses by taxing owners for unrealized capital gains – cash they don’t have and to get they must liquidate their businesses;
- Digitizing the dollar (falsely promoted as “crypto currency”) so that our money’s future as a store of value, medium of exchange, and unit of account will be strictly monitored and controlled by government diktat and the Federal Reserve. (Kiss gold ownership goodbye.) For all intents and purposes private property will then be no more (recall that you own something ONLY to the extent that you can dispose of it as you wish).
Liberals don’t understand how human (e.g. investor) behavior is impacted through reducing reward while increasing and/or maintaining risk. They believe that tax rates don’t impact risk taking. Progressives demonstrate daily that they have no idea about the sources and levels of risk encountered in starting a business. Moreover, liberals have no inkling that increasing taxes from their already current highs will actually decrease government revenues – Democrats believe that simply imposing higher tax rates on the private sector will automatically bring in more money. And that lowering taxes (yes, even on the ’rich’) have never resulted in higher government revenues or increasing our quality of life.
In sum, we have already been told enough about the kind of democracy and freedom that Democrats controlling Congress and the Executive will deliver under Kamalanomics – just look at the countries with all-encompassing autocratic central governments.
We are a Republic, NOT a Democracy
George Rebane
The country’s socialists and globalists have found the corruption of language to best serve their purpose of blinding Americans to the critical aspects of our society and culture. First and foremost is today’s established custom of considering precise semantics to be somewhere between irrelevant and unimportant, and most certainly politically incorrect.
As an example, many of us have come to accept open borders on the basis of promoting ‘immigration’, firm in the knowledge that today’s invasion of illegal aliens from countless countries violating our law is somehow similar to the process that populated our empty lands in days gone by, for are we not a country of immigrants? No one from the highest levels of government to main street wants to acknowledge that immigration is a two-party process between willing participants – a pact between a discriminating government and the alien seeking residency in a new land. Using the correct legal term ‘illegal alien’ to describe those wading across the river (formerly also known as wetbacks) has now become proscribed and not for proper use in a public forum. Instead the naked term ‘immigrant’ is now the norm in lamestream media, and the right-of-center outlets barely use the appended ‘illegal immigrant’, all preferring more obfuscating labels like ‘migrant’ to describe the foreign lawbreakers crossing our borders.
Other similar examples can be offered to illustrate the desecration and demeaning of our language over the last several decades.
Perhaps the most egregious and dangerous of such examples is the new idea promoted by collectivists, especially of the woke variety, that our nation is a democracy that promotes (civil) equality. Our Founders were keenly aware that democracies, promoted under the banner of indiscriminating equality quickly devolve into autocracies cum tyrannies. This is the reason that they conceived and formed our nation to hold liberty sacrosanct within a constitutional republic, governed under a document that severely limits the powers of government. As the thinking reader knows, universal equality and liberty are incompatible. Our founding principles recognize and promote equality in the sense that we Americans are equal only under our laws and in the eyes of God. Elsewhere, most certainly in our Constitution, equality is not mentioned and liberty is supreme.
Our socialists know this truth, and have twisted our public education, abetted by the media, to preach their unquestionable glories of equality cum equity in all things. The damage to our republic that this perversion has caused was already evident almost sixty years ago. Dan Smoot was one of the nation’s leading conservative commentators back then, and in 1966 he recorded this very clear and succinct 10-minute commentary about the real difference between a democracy and a constitutional republic (here), and the danger of our citizenry remaining confused about the two. Today that confusion has been replaced by total ignorance.
Posted at 03:12 PM in Critical Thinking & Numeracy, Culture Comments, The Liberal Mind, We the iSheeple | Permalink | Comments (68)
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